
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 12:20 PM
watched this a few evenings ago

interesting, hands on information
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So, his first day he is supposed to keep up with the guys who have toughed it out and succeeded?
Ever heard of winner bias?
Anyway, why should we import cheap workers into the country to benefit rich agricultural interests? Let them pay 20 bucks an hour with benefits, and lower our own unemployment rate. If you think whitey can't work in the agricultural fields, you are ignorant of our nation's history. During President Jefferson's time, over 90% of American's worked in agriculture.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 05:23 PM
During President Jefferson's time

uh huh, American workers are exactly the same now.

not that they cant, they wont.
Any so-called journalist who eats McDonald's for 30 thirty days and then reports that it made him sick is a moron. He and CNN deserve each other.

That being said, to expect some whitebread city boy to step on a farm and keep up with experienced, weather-hardened farm workers is ridiculous. His whole premise is idiotic. However, if the whitebread had to do it to provide for himself and his family because there were no government handouts available to prop him up, I bet he'd get really skilled, really fast.
Don't worry congress is in recess for 30 days when they get back it will be forgotten will take two weeks of them telling each other who they fucked .
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The facts are that these people will come and work circles around the lazy ass shitheads that would rather collect a check than work.

Me I grew up doing work that very few "American" kids would or could do. The work ethic is stifled by parents that don't encourage their kids to get outside and find something to do.
I weeded flower beds, mow yards, edged, swept and raked. No weed eaters because they did not exist. I got from 3 to 5 bucks a yard depending on what I had to do and I thought it was great. Now I pay Hose A 20 bucks and he gets it done in much less than an hour. Not bad money if you ask me for an "unskilled" worker. Oh and he is legal, has his papers and green card and speaks excellent English.

The fact is, I don't think there are any kids that would do the same. It isn't that they will do it cheaper, it is that they will do it at all.

The thing is, I am not rich, not by a long shot. I may be better off than most but it is because I have worked my ass off all my life and tried to be smart about how I conducted my life and I learned from my mistakes.It seems that there are fewer and fewer that can do this. We are living in Idiocracy.
We are living in Idiocracy. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
OMG, 2Pups is living with the Idiot Twins, JD & IB!
JCM800's Avatar
don't know what they pay per tub but I bet it's not much yeah it's definitely a money thing, it's much cheaper to hire illegals rather than to pay 20 bucks an hour plus benefits.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In Jefferson's time it was completely different. If you didn't work you went hungry. If you tried crime then you went to prison or got hung. Right up to the 1950s if you immigrated to this country you didn't get welfare, unemployment, and you have to keep a job and learn English.
Not if you had rich in laws living here.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
In Jefferson's time it was completely different. If you didn't work you went hungry. If you tried crime then you went to prison or got hung. Right up to the 1950s if you immigrated to this country you didn't get welfare, unemployment, and you have to keep a job and learn English. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That says it all right there - why can't more people see it?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
During President Jefferson's time

uh huh, American workers are exactly the same now.

not that they cant, they wont. Originally Posted by CJ7
They won't - we agree for once! We should have a beer summit!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The facts are that these people will come and work circles around the lazy ass shitheads that would rather collect a check than work.

Me I grew up doing work that very few "American" kids would or could do. The work ethic is stifled by parents that don't encourage their kids to get outside and find something to do.
I weeded flower beds, mow yards, edged, swept and raked. No weed eaters because they did not exist. I got from 3 to 5 bucks a yard depending on what I had to do and I thought it was great. Now I pay Hose A 20 bucks and he gets it done in much less than an hour. Not bad money if you ask me for an "unskilled" worker. Oh and he is legal, has his papers and green card and speaks excellent English.

The fact is, I don't think there are any kids that would do the same. It isn't that they will do it cheaper, it is that they will do it at all.

The thing is, I am not rich, not by a long shot. I may be better off than most but it is because I have worked my ass off all my life and tried to be smart about how I conducted my life and I learned from my mistakes.It seems that there are fewer and fewer that can do this. We are living in Idiocracy. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I got 4-5 bucks a yard, thought I was overcharging! With that, I could buy chips and candy, and a Big Gulp! (They hadn't yet invented Super Big Gulp) Nowadays, lawn mowing is probably too dangerous for kids. Heck, even Mexican kids don't mow the lawn, but I'll bet they all eat the chips and candy.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
One of my yards was a vacant lot and it was 5 bucks.
I would hustle all the yards I could get and then I would hire me a partner to help.
I kept some of them totally for myself.
I used my money to buy a bicycle.
With the bicycle I got a paper route.
When I wasn't mowing yards or throwing papers I was hustling coke bottles for the deposit.

I suppose the biggest difference now is that if I wanted something I earned it and I learned very quickly that pitching a fit meant an ass whipping rather than a reward.
JCM800's Avatar
stealing copper now seems to have replaced lawn mowing or paper routes