Where are all of the race baiters and poverty pimps?


It seems that three "thugs" decided to do a beat down on a 13 year old on a school bus. The driver, admittedly, was too frightened to step in.

Funny, I haven't seen Al, Jesse, or even our President coming out and chastising these young men.

Couldn't any of these boys be President Obama's Son? After all, we learned from that fat girl friend of Travon Martin that doing "beat downs" was a common way of solving problems in her world, and that is how Travon solved his problems. And the young man who got beat up said that he had reported these boys as trying to sell him drugs.

Who knows, these young men might have even been inspired by Travon's way of doing things. After all, Jesse, Al, Chris Mathews, and others say that getting your head pounded into a concrete sidewalk until it bleeds is no big deal.

We will all wait and see if there are any marches and rioting in any cities when these fine young gentlemen are prosecuted. After all, they were just following the example as set by their peers.

When will we learn that this type of behavior is part of the Black Community, and we should just learn to accept it.

By the way, the young Man who got the beat down was also black.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Black on black crimes are ignored by liberals, unless they want to blame it on poverty, and thus blame Republicans for doing too little to alleviate poverty.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-05-2013, 05:15 PM
Black on black crimes are ignored by liberals, unless they want to blame it on poverty, and thus blame Republicans for doing too little to alleviate poverty. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

isn't CNN a liberal news station? they didn't ignore it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Mus be Miller time eh Jesse?
Black on black crimes are ignored by liberals, unless they want to blame it on poverty, and thus blame Republicans for doing too little to alleviate poverty. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Haven't seen it anywhere else, but GatewayPundit.com reported that the 13-yr old was white.
Facts don't mean shit if you want to bash liberals.
JCM800's Avatar
it was nice of that bus driver to do absolutely nothing at all to help out that kid ...that's the real shame here.
it was nice of that bus driver to do absolutely nothing at all to help out that kid ...that's the real shame here. Originally Posted by JCM800
It reflects the fear that older blacks have for these young thugs.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
isn't CNN a liberal news station? they didn't ignore it. Originally Posted by CJ7
What did they blame it on?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
maybe watching all this
Utah beauty queen just four misunderstood white kids...with bombs.... white thugs,
where are the parents, too busy drinking PBR and taking Forbidden topic, CC maybe.
white people where is the outrage.
Supervisor meeting shooting
picture of the shooter just a good ole boy trying to make some noise standing up against the local goverment,
Look like some Rush Fans to me, wheres the outrage, white thugs
hell he dresses like a redneck thug, dress like a redneck thug you should be shot on sight, SYG you know they are troublemakers, why take a chance.

I guess that should cover everything you say when it's black people.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-06-2013, 07:33 AM
What did they blame it on? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

the kid that got his ass whipped stold drugs from the kids that beat him.

the bus driver was 63 years old.. hard to blame him for not jumping in the middle of 3-4 teenage kids intent on doing bodily harm.
the kid that got his ass whipped stold drugs from the kids that beat him.

the bus driver was 63 years old.. hard to blame him for not jumping in the middle of 3-4 teenage kids intent on doing bodily harm. Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, if the little shit did steal drugs, he knew what would happen if they caught up with him.

The guys doing the beat down should have took it to another venue.
Answered your own question and too stupid to be able to tell. The race-baiters are right here....and, it's you.

Nobody but race-baiter would post something like this. Do you really not get it?


It seems that three "thugs" decided to do a beat down on a 13 year old on a school bus. The driver, admittedly, was too frightened to step in.

Funny, I haven't seen Al, Jesse, or even our President coming out and chastising these young men.

Couldn't any of these boys be President Obama's Son? After all, we learned from that fat girl friend of Travon Martin that doing "beat downs" was a common way of solving problems in her world, and that is how Travon solved his problems. And the young man who got beat up said that he had reported these boys as trying to sell him drugs.

Who knows, these young men might have even been inspired by Travon's way of doing things. After all, Jesse, Al, Chris Mathews, and others say that getting your head pounded into a concrete sidewalk until it bleeds is no big deal.

We will all wait and see if there are any marches and rioting in any cities when these fine young gentlemen are prosecuted. After all, they were just following the example as set by their peers.

When will we learn that this type of behavior is part of the Black Community, and we should just learn to accept it.

By the way, the young Man who got the beat down was also black. Originally Posted by Jackie S
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-06-2013, 11:54 AM
looked like at least 1 white kid doing the beating, and the kid that got his ass kicked was deff white
looked like at least 1 white kid doing the beating, and the kid that got his ass kicked was deff white Originally Posted by CJ7
On "The Five" on Fox, it was indicated that the three doing the beating were minority, while the ethnic background of the kid getting the beating had not been determined. Good grief, how difficult is that to find out?

The story as reported on The Five was that the kid that took the beating had went to the school officials and told them someone was trying to sell him drugs.

The three that did the beat down have some serious charges against them, so perhaps when it is all played out in Court, the truth will come out.