Tim Pool joins Dave Rubin for a discussion

Truly amazing interview from a couple of center Left guys...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
can you give a summary?

this video doesn't have a transcript and 1.5 hours is too long to watch.
Globalist uni-0zombies are going to take our FREE SPEECH, if we let them!


Former FEC Chairwoman Calls for ‘Regulations’ of Political Speech on the Internet

By Ian Miles Cheong | 4:50 pm, April 14, 2017

The former Federal Election Commission chairwoman Ann M. Ravel says that political speech must be controlled on social media. She presented her remarks in a speech at UC Berkeley, calling for regulations against “fake news.”

Speaking at an event called “Future of Democracy,” Ravel argued the proliferation of “fake news” and political advertising on platforms like Facebook influenced elections. She warned that the lack of disclosure by the creators of these campaigns was becoming a huge problem.

“We know that there’s a lot of campaigning that’s moved to the internet, whether it’s through fake news or just outright advertising and there is almost no regulation of this, very little,” she said. “And so that the disclosure that we expect as to who is behind campaigns is not going to exist soon”

“Some people are even predicting that by 2020 most of the advertising is going to move from television to the internet, and I think this is a serious issue that requires a lot of discussion,” continued Ravel.

During her tenure as the chairwoman of the FEC, Ravel previously called for right-leaning websites like the Drudge Report to be “regulated,” and blamed hostile responses towards her proposals on “misogyny.” She claimed it was within the purview of the Federal Election Commission to oversee internet political activities, including the airing of political viewpoints.

In 2015, the Democrats tried, but failed to expand the FEC’s regulatory powers to cover social media posts and other forms of political speech on the Internet, which are not subject to the same scrutiny as political advertisements on old media. At the time, liberal watchdogs complained to the FEC with allegations that (then-probable) presidential candidates like Jeb Bush and Martin O’Malley were skirting finance laws to campaign. Conservatives managed to stall the vote, fearing that the additional powers would chill political speech on the Internet.

Since then, Revel has only doubled down. In her speech at UC Berkeley, Revel claimed that companies like Facebook have “no real knowledge” of who sponsors the posts of political viewpoints on their platforms.

“I think this is a really serious issue that we need to address,” she said.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

That SLOBBRIN actually watches these videos indicates his days are full of lots of "free time." But aren't these dubious websites blocked at the State Hospital?
"She presented her remarks in a speech at UC Berkeley, calling for regulations against “fake news.”

fake news..hmmmm

as in the cover up of the real news of the crimes of stalin by the new york times?

as in the almost worshipful-like description of hitler by the new york times?

it seems the idols of the left have been and are tyrants all

and the omission of the reporting of these idols' crimes seem quite the fake" un-news" ..nothing to see here

The idols of the “progressives” were tyrants: Robespierre, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and now its Islam.

in north korea, if you are fortunate enough to have a tv, they are pre-set where they will only receive north korean channels, there are squads who come to your house periodically to check to see if your tv has been tampered with such that it will receive s. korean stations

The New York Times lied, and ten million people died. My father told the truth.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The New York Times lied, and ten million people died. My father told the truth. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
looks like NYT was practicing fake news even way back when.
can you give a summary?

this video doesn't have a transcript and 1.5 hours is too long to watch. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Here is my summary of this video.

Lot's of Liberals were on the side of Free Speech and the Trump supporters at Berkeley. They could not believe their eyes, on the behavior of the antifa...

Which I find amazing...


Democrats, Don’t You Ever Change

Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Apr 20, 2017 12:01 AM

Look, Democrats, speaking sincerely as your friend, understand that everyone who says you need to take a deep look at yourselves is a racist, sexist, homophobe who won’t even ask about your preferred pronoun. Whatever you do, don’t you ever change.

Don’t be fooled by how America tossed out over a thousand Democrat legislators since Barack Obama was crowned, or by the way that people chose Donald Trump over that sexy beast you wanted to coronate. They seek to sway you from the progressive path with facts and evidence, but facts and evidence are bourgeois constructs weaponized by patriarchal penis-people of pallor!

Fight the power, damn it! Look in the mirror and repeat after me:

I’m special.

I’m uniquely blessed with moral insights from somewhere – definitely not God.

I’m right.

And everyone else is wrong.

In the immortal words of Eighties Aussie rock legends INXS, let’s tie a belt around our necks and pretend everything’s going to work out fine.

No, wait.

Don’t change. That’s it.

Don’t change a thing, Democrats.

The problem isn’t you. It’s those stupid idiots who won’t obey you because they’re stupid idiots. How can those idiots be so stupid?

Who knows? But what’s clear is that it’s not your fault. It’s theirs. So when the going gets tough, and you aren’t making progress – in fact, when you’re moving backwards – what’s the smart play? Double down!

Hey, the dealer’s showing an ace in a face-heavy deck and you’ve got a six, what do you do? Double down!

Double down on Russians! So Trump flattened their buddy’s air force? Big whoop. It’s pretty clear that was some sort of cunning 4-D chess move a complete buffoon like The Donald would make – or not! He’s totally guilty of something, because he has to be! Don’t let yourselves be fooled by the utter lack of any evidence of Russian collusion from The One’s intensive wiretapping efforts getting spilled to house organs like WaPo and the NYT. Just ignore the fact that the Obamaminons in the federal government usually leak harder than Bernie Sanders at a tickle party!

Double down on tax returns! People care! Doubtless somewhere in his tax returns is the smoking gun where Trump scribbled “I [heart] Vlad!” right on them in big letters like it was some sort of IRS Form 1040-Pee Chee. Sure, Rachael Geraldo Maddow looked foolish when Don Capone’s vault came up a dry hole – $38 million in taxes is a lot of money even to a Clinton – but clearly that dumb, stupid, idiot, moron of dumbness Trump tricked her into it!

Double down on familiar faces! Don’t buy the idea that your leaders are wizened windbags a decade past their sell-by dates. Nothing says sexy like Chuck Schumer. He’s hotter than Bobby Sherman! And the kids love their Nancy Pelosi, the Lena Dunham of the Chardonnay-and-Volvo set.

Plus, you have a terrific bench full of up-and-commie superstars! How about that Chelsea? America eagerly awaits 2024, because America wants Jeb Clinton.

America needs Jeb Clinton.

Don’t make our mistake. When the Republicans managed to lose to Faily McWorsethancarter in 2012, we stupidly looked inwards like a bunch of suckers. Both officially and unofficially, the party reexamined its premises, thought through what it had been doing, and like a bunch of dummies, asked itself what it could do better. The results were a bit surprising – it turned out that the people it expected to show up and vote for its candidates weren’t exactly in tune with the people back in Washington who thought they knew what was best. And what happened next was ugly.

Remember Eric Cantor? No, me neither. And adios to K Street Johnny Boy Boehner, the guy with 100% of the cheesiness factor of the Rat Pack and 0% of the cool.

Republicans discovered that 58-year old voters supporting their families on $35 an hour whose jobs some rich donor was shipping to Juarez needed a better answer than, “Well, if you ever read Milton Friedman, you’d know that you’re obsolete. Go learn computers or something. Maybe you can land a data entry gig for $10.25 an hour. Maybe.”

Republicans realized that while importing a zillion serfs from Third Worldistan might help make Milton Wellington von Moneybags marginally richer, their own constituents were having to put up with their jobs getting taken – after they trained their replacements – and their kids getting shot, either by gangbangers or by jihad-loving freaks. We learned that perhaps calling our own voters “racist” for objecting to being figuratively passed around the cellblock was counter-productive.

And before our re-think, we Republicans thought our voters were up for pretty much any war. Sure, our constituents have always defended this country, but after the last 15 year cluster-fark, they had gotten a tad disenchanted with getting blown-up whilst being moved around the international chessboard by a coterie bow-tied tuffboys who never had to worry about the lead heading their way. It turns out our voters were only for wars that were important enough to our security that we actually intended on winning them.

Who would have thought it? Well, a party that did the hard work of looking at itself and figuring out where it went wrong. But you Democrats don’t need to do that. You’re perfect just the way you are.

Run someone in Louisiana who thinks it’s open season on a baby any time before that last toe slips out? Hell yeah! Those Cajun cousin kissers will take what you give them and like it!

Put someone on the ballot in deer hunting country in Pennsylvania who thinks the Second Amendment’s recognition of our God-given right to keep and bear arms means we get to keep and bear arms? Hell no! You Democrats must ensure that every Democrat candidate everywhere embodies the passions and the prejudices of weenie San Francisco tech dorks!

Now, I’m telling you this as a friend, the same kind of a friend you are to working people, to our troops, to American patriots: I sincerely hope that you stick to your principles, that you never doubt yourselves, and that you never waver.

You’re perfect just the way you are.

Don’t you ever change.

7-Year-Old Professional Syrian Victim Has Same “Talent Agent” as JK Rowling…

Posted on April 19, 2017 by sundance

Some people have said that 7-year-old Syrian Bana Alabed is a manufactured professional victim; intentionally created and marketed as a tool to manipulate public opinion.

Well, it would appear there is evidence in that regard. Well known left-wing advocate, JK Rowling, and Miss Bana Alabed share a talent and marketing agency:
HERE---> http://www.theblairpartnership.com/clients/

  • DSK
  • 04-25-2017, 04:21 PM

That SLOBBRIN actually watches these videos indicates his days are full of lots of "free time." But aren't these dubious websites blocked at the State Hospital? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You should be appalled at this left wing attack on freedom of speech.

I know I am!!!!
  • DSK
  • 04-26-2017, 12:09 PM
can you give a summary?

this video doesn't have a transcript and 1.5 hours is too long to watch. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Liberals=bad Originally Posted by DSK
of course, that is nothing new.
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  • WTF
  • 09-15-2017, 03:15 PM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Come on, you PANSY!!!!