Curious about Dallas Male Medical Clinics

  • Norm
  • 08-26-2010, 11:45 PM
Apologies if it has been discussed here before, I didn't find any thread when scanning - but I could have missed them.

I was curious about two Male Clinics which advertise in the Sports section of the Dallas Morning News. I've included links to the ads and my understanding about the clinics.

The clinics are:

Dallas Male Medical Clinic - link to ad... 65404

Edge Men's Medical Center - link to ad... 49855

In phone calls, it appears that they are both about the same.

Currently $99 (special) gets you:
- 60-90 minute appointment
- examination, tests, ultrasound
- trial dose of medication administered at the office during the appointment to confirm it works
- a dose should provide/achieve a 75% erection within 5-7 minutes (you get to 100% with sexual stimulation)
- if everything checks out and the dose works, then you get a prescription (a mixture/combination of 3 medications)
- the actual prescription mixture is based upon the desired length of time and desired firmness of erection
- can refill prescription for up to a year - paying only for the prescription
- you fill the prescription / purchase the medications from the clinics
- approximate cost for prescription / medications is $150 for 5 doses (less if bought in larger quantities)

Interesting points provided over the phone included:
- erection doesn't go away after ejaculation, erection continues for an hour plus, potential to maintain until ready to ejaculate again
- you will have at least a 75% erection (within 5-7 minutes) lasting for an hour plus regardless of what you are doing (or not doing)

Interested if anyone had any more information. Just curious.

that was a LOT of research
I've been to one of those clinics twice. I believe it was probably the second one on your list (on LBJ Fwy.), but it was called Boston Medical Group the first time I went there and something else the second time I went.

The first time was probably 7-8 years ago, and it was more expensive then, something like $175 for the visit, but the procedures seem to match what you described. I can't say that everyone gets the same medication, but the only thing they talked about with me was an injection in the penis.

After my initial exam, the doctor somehow decided what my dosage should be, and then injected me and told me to go sit in one of the rooms and that I should have an erection in a matter of a few minutes, and he was right. In less than 10 minutes I was harder than I've ever been.

They purposely have no magazines around that would provide stimulation because they want it to be a medically induced erection. I too was told that the erection would not subside as a result of an ejaculation. It would only subside when the dosage wore off. (On a side note, I can't help but wonder how many times the receptionist there has been asked to help prove that. She was no beauty contest winner, nonetheless she was not a bad looking lady, and I believe many would have tested the theory, given the chance.)

Anyway, after the doctor comes in to see if I had an erection and check the firmness of it, he tells me to go out in the halls and walk around for a bit to "encourage" the erection to go down. He said that ideally it should last about an hour. In my case, the first time I went there, my erection was raging for over two hours. At one point he told me to go home and enjoy it with my wife - who was out of town. I was really wishing I had internet access so I could call someone to help me enjoy it.

In the end, he had to do two other injections of adrenaline I think, to finally get it to go down. I did not purchase any prescriptions because at the time the minimum amount I could have purchased was going to cost about $1200. Since I didn't have that kind of money laying around and I was still concerned about the dosage, I didn't do anything.

I went back about a year ago, and it was no longer Boston Medical Group, but at the same place and supposedly doing the same thing. When I called for my appointment, I explained that I had been there before and, briefly what happened. They told me they would not charge me for this second visit, so I scheduled. This doctor was pissed that the first doctor had been so far off on his dosage and went through his exam, which was very much like the original. He then administered an injection and again I was told to go wait in a room. He came in after a few minutes and verified that I was hard and also told me to go "walk it off." This time the erection went down after a little more than an hour without needing any further injections.

I don't remember what it was, but the cost for a prescription and the minimum I could have purchased was still more than I could afford, so I still have no prescriptions.

As you noted above, they don't give you a written prescription you can take to the pharmacy of your choice. You have to get it from them.

They do try to be discreet, by asking you to sit in a private room until the doctor takes you into his office, but both times I was there, I encountered other men, presumably there for the same reason. Both times, as I walked the halls, I was not the only one doing so. They tell you the path to walk, I think to make sure you're walking enough.

I was kind of surprised to find that both times I went, they had a female receptionist. I suppose it's not all that unusual to see a female in a medical office. Even my urologist has females in his front office. I guess I just thought in the specialized kind of clinic, it might be all men. The second time I went, the receptionist took me to a room when I got there, and then she came in and started asking me all these preliminary questions about basically why I was there and it got pretty detailed. At first, I was a little hesitant to talk with her, but I finally relaxed a bit and it was ok.

I'm tempted to go again with the special they're running. $99 sure beats $175 and a prescription for $150 is much more appealing than what I've experienced in the past.

Good luck, and let us know how it works out for you, or PM me if you like.
Ok you go there get your injection and walk out with a boner. You get a call from your provider canceling your appointment and you have to sit in your car for an hour plus because your boner won't go down even if you smack it on the head?
Damn the crap we go through to get laid.
Batman's Avatar
Great topic that I, as an older guy that still loves to see providers, have great interest in. I hope we get more testimonials, either good or bad. I've tried each of the pill treatments and each works to some degree (the blue bomber works best for me but the timing is sometimes difficult and the duration of the results a lesser time than desired). I just reviewed a provider in Montreal that was one of the all-time great experiences of my life but even with two hours and a very willing and desireable partner, the blue tab gave me one great experience when so much more was avaialble.

So please, guys, share your experiences with us.
I do have a question about those injection prescriptions, in case anyone knows. Once you get one of those prescriptions, do they have to be refrigerated or kept at room temperature or something like that, until you use them? Or, can you just keep them anywhere until needed. If they have to be held within some temperature range until use, I'm out of luck because I'd have no place to keep them discreetly.
You are correct sir. This stuff made me a real stud when I was with a provider. But, it does have to be kept refrigerated or it will quickly lose all effectiveness. I started "bringing my lunch" to work in one of those small six-pack coolers so I could occasionally bring a dose of the happy juice for a nooner with a provider. But it was just way too risky for me. How obvious would it be if my wife found the needle in my lunch bucket!
okay, just to be clear on this. The prescription they give has to be administered with an injection to the penis? If that's the case, thenI don't have the balls to stick a needle in my dick.
pyramider's Avatar
See the old high school coaches were right. You can walk off just about anything.
albatross1's Avatar
The injectable medication is great. It works every time, usully within a minute or two. You stay rock hard until the medication wears off. As far as the actual injection, it's not a big deal. They gave me an injector that the syringe goes into. You set it and push a button and this device makes the injection. You just have to push the plunger. It doesn't hurt at all. You really get used to it and you won't think twice about it. The negatives: The vials do have to be refrigerated so traveling and planning presents a problem. And, from time to time you might bruise if the needle hits a vessel. All and all injections beat the pills. Also, drinking doesn't affect the medication and there's no side effects.
OldGrump's Avatar
albatross1, how long does the vial last when refrigerated?

Have you calculated the cost per injection?

I was offered injections several years ago but declined. Mainly because I was queasy about the process but also because the cost was much more than the pills considering a short shelf life at the time. Hopefully, that is no longer the case.
oldgrump -
According to Norm above, the cost is now about $30 per injection (a lot less than the last time I looked into it), which is of course more than it costs for pills. I agree with albatross1 that there is really no reason to be queasy or hesitant about the process. They teach you how to self inject and the injection is nothing like when you used to go to the doctor for a shot. It's just the slightest little prick (no pun intended) and you're done and in a couple of minutes you're hard. You could go to the provider, excuse yourself to the restroom, inject, and by the time your clothes hit the floor, you're ready for all you can handle and you can be confident you won't go flaccid until the prescribed period of time has passed.

Consider the fact that it works every time and there are no side effects and it doesn't seem like a bad idea to me. However, then there is the matter of storage and the question of shelf life. I, personally would have no way to keep the vials refrigerated so it would not be a good idea for me to pursue this option, even though I'd love to be able to. Maybe the clinic would set it up so that once we had the initial exam, we could purchase "X" number of injections that would remain with the clinic and then we could just drop by and pick one up as needed. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

I agree - nice topic and informative. I still haven't figured out how to make it work for me, but I'm still trying . . .
I have used the injections for over a year and they work great, I only get 10 injections at a time which runs about $180 and I don't have to worry about shelf life. That is where they get you on the first visit, they try and sell you 25 - 40 injections but only get 5 to 10, it will take a few trips to get the right strength so you don't have a 6 to 8 hour erection which happen to me. Mine was not for health reasons, but for a bad case of PE and I just like using the injections so Iv just keep going back.

Albatross is correct the injector is great and there is no pain unless your are a wimp and afraid of needles. Its just a small one like is used for insulin injections and they will give you free needles and alcohol swabs. No side effects at all.
funeralman -
I'm wondering where you can get 10 injections for $180??? That's a lot less than what I've been quoted. Was this a script from your urologist that you filled at your pharmacy, or one of the clinics mentioned above?
OldGrump's Avatar
180/10 sounds reasonable. I was going to see a urologist for the evaluation & prescription. The "specialty clinics" bother me for some reason. The small needle doesn't bother me now that I've had years of insulin injections under my belt (well a bit above). :-)