Gun Control and Voter ID

I think that your opinion that Oklahoma is the cultural center of the universe pretty much disqualifies you from offering any further credible opinions.
Hahahahahaha................. I read an article about this a few days ago. No one should go along with anything this jerk proposes, about gun Control or anything else for that matter. This guy should be locked up somewhere anyway, he's a complete menace.

Fucking right wing dim-a-tards the chip was to open your gun safe so none except the owner can access the handgun. You fuckers will spin anything.
Fucking right wing dim-a-tards the chip was to open your gun safe so none except the owner can access the handgun. You fuckers will spin anything. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What's the matter with a Key to open a Gun Safe? This idea was about a device you wear like a watch to enable the gun to actually function. No matter how anyone wants to spin this it's a stupid idea.

What's the matter with a Key to open a Gun Safe? This idea was about a device you wear like a watch to enable the gun to actually function. No matter how anyone wants to spin this it's a stupid idea.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I hate to agree with this half-wit but he's got this one right, even a retarded blind pig finds an acorn every once in a while.

By the way, Fuck You , Jim.
What's the matter with a Key to open a Gun Safe? This idea was about a device you wear like a watch to enable the gun to actually function. No matter how anyone wants to spin this it's a stupid idea.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Gong to wear the key around your neck so in a emergency you can open it quickly. or what happens if the kids find the key? there were two suggestions the other was so a firearm could not function without the bracelet.
I hate to agree with this half-wit but he's got this one right, even a retarded blind pig finds an acorn every once in a while.

By the way, Fuck You , Jim. Originally Posted by timpage
You were the second poster on this thread. If you were so brilliant you would have already touched on the hypocrisy of this stupid concept of gun control proposed by a brain dead liberal.

You were the second poster on this thread. If you were so brilliant you would have already touched on the hypocrisy of this stupid concept of gun control proposed by a brain dead liberal.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Well, now there is some....deep-ass thinking. By being second....I guess I claimed all knowledge?

Fucking dimwit. Try again.
Gong to wear the key around your neck so in a emergency you can open it quickly. or what happens if the kids find the key? there were two suggestions the other was so a firearm could not function without the bracelet. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Face it, the whole idea is totally ridiculous and has nothing to do with safety. Eric Holder couldn't care less about kids. He just uses them as a weapon so dipshits like you will go along with his bullshit.

Well, now there is some....deep-ass thinking. By being second....I guess I claimed all knowledge?

Fucking dimwit. Try again. Originally Posted by timpage
By being second you just showed how quick you are to run your big fucking mouth about nothing.

Face it, the whole idea is totally ridiculous and has nothing to do with safety. Eric Holder couldn't care less about kids. He just uses them as a weapon so dipshits like you will go along with his bullshit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yeah, because you're the representative of the party that really cares about kids and people, aren't you jackwagon? Blind us with your publicworks.
By being second you just showed how quick you are to run your big fucking mouth about nothing.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You're the one running your big fat fucking mouth about nothing asshat. Go fuck yourself.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Face it, the whole idea is totally ridiculous and has nothing to do with safety. Eric Holder couldn't care less about kids. He just uses them as a weapon so dipshits like you will go along with his bullshit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

This how Holder treats kids:

Elian Gonzalez.

14 year old (Ruby Ridge) Sammy Weaver.
1992 and 2000 yep Holder was right in the middle of that In Bred.