When she invades your dreams...

Bob McV's Avatar
So last night Nikki White entered my dreams, but it wasn't the full penthouse letter I had ordered!

It starts with a knock at my door late at night. Nikki is on the other side wearing a faded Cure shirt and baggy pants desperately demanding I fix her laptop the Hobby Monster. I fail to explain that while I work in technology that I am not really a laptop repairman. She comes into my house sets it down and goes into my kitchen. Saying that while I fix her laptop She'll start making chicken and dumplings "German Style!" I ask if that means knoephle and she says " SHUT UP BOB!"... so I do.

Some time later with sweat dripping from my brow and blood from my fingers I get her laptop to start. She enters the room wearing a different t-shirt than earlier. Grabs the laptop gets on her camel and rides off.

In my own dream I don't get to see Nikki Naked, There is just no justice in this world.
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 09-24-2014, 10:39 AM
Nice . . . in so many ways. This would be the right kind of invasion!
Tan Khan's Avatar
Seems like your dream captures a space of time after you married and divorced Nikki. It would have been such a better dream if it was about the honeymoon!
Jack$lit's Avatar
I was looking for the part on how she cracked the eggs.
LMFAO! Now that's funny!
This is some grade B synchronicity shit. I woke up thinking about starting a "fess up about your hobby dreams" thread this morning. Mine was standing in an airport within a huge, Southwest type crowd. Some TSA bouncer type pulled me out and was like "follow me." THEN I went inside a swanky lounge of nice hookers and dudes in suits and felt all fancy. THEN I excused myself to the ladies room after flirting up a storm with many fancy men and I was met with a disgusting bathroom full of bright lights SL drag sorts talking about unmentionables while straightening their wigs. It was troubling. Highly troubling. My brain doesn't get overly sophisticated with its symbolism.
Centaur's Avatar
It makes sense that my hooker dreams include a sea of men in suits and monger dreams focus on one lady.
Can't wait to see her witty response to this.
Whispers's Avatar

I started to read this and dozed off..... dreamed I was at a table eating chicken and dumplings while some strange naked chick was ass up and face down in the GF's crotch......She turned and looked at me and said I could join in when I finished my dumplings....

I wolfed them down and started to get up from the table and my fucking phone rang and I woke up.....

now I'm hungry...
Candi Staxx's Avatar
So last night Nikki White entered my dreams, but it wasn't the full penthouse letter I had ordered!

It starts with a knock at my door late at night. Nikki is on the other side wearing a faded Cure shirt and baggy pants desperately demanding I fix her laptop the Hobby Monster. I fail to explain that while I work in technology that I am not really a laptop repairman. She comes into my house sets it down and goes into my kitchen. Saying that while I fix her laptop She'll start making chicken and dumplings "German Style!" I ask if that means knoephle and she says " SHUT UP BOB!"... so I do.

Some time later with sweat dripping from my brow and blood from my fingers I get her laptop to start. She enters the room wearing a different t-shirt than earlier. Grabs the laptop gets on her camel and rides off.

In my own dream I don't get to see Nikki Naked, There is just no justice in this world. Originally Posted by Bob McV

*So glad Im not the only one that has odd Nikki White dreams*
Omg, I thought I was the only one!!
I want to have dreams about Nikki if she will ever come spend some time with me!
fun2come's Avatar
Bob, you're sick, all I dream about is putting my Bratwurst in her Pretzel ...
... and it's not just a dream....
Thank you for sharing your Nightmare on Kegel Street

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