Dato, tuma, tuha, fia, drinking chocolate out of ass... etc.

bc00's Avatar
  • bc00
  • 09-25-2014, 03:42 PM
I don't get it... Does it taste like poop? Is it kinky like Bonn11 says or like a delicacy?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of the butthole?
bc00's Avatar
  • bc00
  • 09-25-2014, 03:45 PM
I don't get it... Does it taste like poop? Is it kinky like Bonn11 says or like a delicacy?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of the butthole? Originally Posted by bc00
Isn't rimming usually more tongue on asshole? I have an embarrassingly short tongue, so I'll never get inside. I just figgered my way was more the norm.
bc00 try it, you may like it!
Once science, twice perversion!
Once science, twice perversion! Originally Posted by JennsLolli
At this point I must admit to being seriously perverted.....

bc00's Avatar
  • bc00
  • 09-25-2014, 06:07 PM
bc00 try it, you may like it! Originally Posted by Jessie Austin
I'm thinking...
It's not what you think; you don't just assume the position and I start jabbing. It's very sensual.
I know some of the guys really like it. They are being shy and not chiming in.
What Jessie said.

I've read 60% of the body's nerve endings below the waist are around the asshole and the now famous "taint".

A butterfly flick is more than sufficient to get the mood going. Presenting one's asshole for such affections is the subject of another thread.
Guest110715-3's Avatar
When that area is nice and clean, it tastes just like any other part of the body. I'm sure we all have nibbled on an earlobe, licked a cheek, took a bite out of a nice round ass. All tastes the same when clean....like most exotic foods taste like chicken.
When a woman is not prepared for a tongue past her taint, a faint odor will be your only warning before you may taste something that will have you getting up to use mouthwash. Most people who like that stuff will prepare that area before a date or at least that day.
That about covers the tongue and mouth on the OUTSIDE of the anus.
The normal tongue can only penetrate about an inch into the rectum. And most bad tasting stuff is further inside. Being regular with your BM's will dictate your oral request schedule. Like when a woman has a "not so fresh" feeling.
As always, men and women can tell their partner about their body before putting their mouth anywhere. Be adult about it. Taboo shit is for Puritans.
FoulRon's Avatar
What I just don't understand is wanting to stick your tongue in someone's ear.
I have had several male clients do tuma to me
I've never been asked to do it to them it's not my thing
prostate massage yes
tuha not so much!
knotty man's Avatar
Once science, twice perversion! Originally Posted by JennsLolli
3 times is addiction
hmmm.......whats 183 times ?
Guest110715-3's Avatar
3 times is addiction
hmmm.......whats 183 times ? Originally Posted by knotty man
a hobby?
they do not call it a 'Rusty Trombone' for nothing...