• EZguy
  • 10-01-2014, 12:10 PM
I am sure most of you will find this amusing since there seems to be a certain amount of disdain for those who pay for Premium Access as opposed to simply writing reviews. But I want everyone to know what happened to me.

Posting on the Boards has never seemed like a good use of my time. It often brings out the worst in people. Frankly, engaging in arguments with people I don’t know holds no interest for me. If you read a couple of my earlier reviews you will see why I don’t write many reviews though my attitude may change now. Basically, I research extensively and only see well known and highly reviewed providers that have no history of drama or reckless behavior. There is simply nothing I am going to say or do that will add to the existing database. Consequently, any review that I might post is typically redundant in nature and adds little or no value to the community.

I have always chosen to pay Eccie for Premium Access. Everyone should contribute on some level. Those that write reviews provide content and those that pay money provide cashflow for Eccie. All internet companies need both to exist. It is a symbiotic relationship.

Though I am willing to pay Eccie for Premium Access I am not willing to leave a credit card trail. So I inquired via email and was told I could send a blank money order to a specific address. I double checked and made sure that I followed their directions in every detail. I wrapped/disguised the money order in blank paper and included my e-mail, username, etc. That was over two weeks ago and I have not heard or received any correspondence from Eccie acknowledging the receipt of my money order or premium access being granted.

I followed up with an email 11 days later. Though I received a response to my request about an alternate method for sending payment within a few hours I have not received a response to my follow up email in more than a week. I have been ignored to this point.

It is most reasonable to conclude one of the following occurred: (1) the Post Office failed to deliver the letter or (2) someone representing Eccie received the letter and cashed the money order but failed to post payment to my user account…probably reflecting lack of trained and/or dishonest staff…i.e. whoever picked up the mail simply cashed the money order.

I will never know what actually happened but I weight the odds moreso on #2 occurring than the Post office losing the letter. The Post Office is a typical government agency but the instances of them losing mail are very small.

The loss of money is minimal…basically immaterial. But it is an irritant. I think I am most irritated about the fast response for alternate payment (how to send cash or money orders) and the total lack of response when I inquired with a follow up mail.

I will also add that I have been sending Christmas cards to Gina for years and never had a hint of a problem. She responds quickly and professionally.

If you decide to pay Eccie with cash or a blank money order you now have one other point of view to consider.

with the policy in place as far as reviews/premium access go, i agree. paying for premium access seems silly. you can maintain consistent premium just by reviewing the occasional lady that you see in your usual hobby habits. with that said, i appreciate the gentlemen that do pay it, as i'm sure it helps keep the board afloat.

as far as the payment not applied thing goes, i'm not sure what to think. i'll just watch and see how this unfolds.
Guest110715-3's Avatar
Money orders can be tracked to see if it has been cashed. That should indicate your next step.
nuglet's Avatar
you can even stop payment and get you $$ back if it's not cashed
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-01-2014, 05:10 PM
Sorry about that EZ. Send the same MO to me...leave the pay to line blank. I'll get you access....promise....
Just pay with a one time use VISA gift card from Walgreens.
I sent my money order made out to ECCIE.

After Googling address on map and looked at street level view.

Questioned what I saw. I pmed a mod to ask if the person who answered my Email was who he said he was. I got a positive reply and sent payment.

Every thing has been OK since

Dog / 4
  • EZguy
  • 10-02-2014, 02:44 PM
The situation was amicably resolved.

Thank you