Traveling Gals

rrrabbit's Avatar
Noticed several Dallas cuties raising their rates +$50 when visiting Austin. And when I notice it, it makes me think twice about setting an appt w/ her. I guess it rubs me the wrong way.

It's her business, and she's free to charge what she wants to. But gotta ask...

Why the rate hike when visiting Austin ?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 05-22-2011, 04:35 PM
Why the rate hike when visiting Austin ? Originally Posted by rrrabbit
Unfortunately, I think it is just a simple case of supply and demand. As long as guys are willing to fork over the "Austin premium", the traveling ladies will continue to add it.

My personal opinion is that if a traveling lady kept her usual rate, she'd have no problem filling her dance card when she comes to visit, and it would be substantially more profitable for her than having fewer guys at a higher rate.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
When I first started a girl who I was traveling with said the raise of rate was to supplement the extra cost of traveling (eating out,gas,hotel) Didn't make alot of sense to me to raise the rate so much higher I mean if your at home you still have to eat and drive places and if your incall is a hotel already the cost isn't that big a difference .... She was trying to teach me alot of "wrong" ways of doing things...I ended up cutting all ties with her when she bold faced lied to a client during a double session...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-22-2011, 05:40 PM
Noticed several Dallas cuties raising their rates +$50 when visiting Austin. And when I notice it, it makes me think twice about setting an appt w/ her. I guess it rubs me the wrong way.

It's her business, and she's free to charge what she wants to. But gotta ask...

Why the rate hike when visiting Austin ? Originally Posted by rrrabbit
The Legislature is in session.
AidanRedd's Avatar
The cost of hotel room alone and the fact that they are here today and gone tomorrow is reason enough to have them raise their rates.

You either want something new and fresh for $50 more, or you want old shelf merch.

I can argue both sides on this one. I recognize that logistics, travel and screening take time and time = money. However, a lot of the traveling gals "overbook" and I think quality suffers a bit at times. So its very possible to actually "pay more for less".

I recently traded PM's with one of the gals and asked her this very question and got a rather snide remark back....meanwhile she was posting as much as she could looking for business and I read nothing but mixed to negative feedback from those who did see her.

I'm not going to begrudge a gal a few extra bucks however I think long and hard before I pay more for any gal then what my ATF's charge.
I cant remember that last time I saw a 'Traveling' Provider let alone pay $50 more for nothing..

cost of doing business is the Provider's issue, not mine. I dont ask for a discount when I see a Provider in SA or Houston.. so dont ask me to pay for your travel expenses!!!

I have rarely to never read where a 300hour gal in Houston or Dallas comes to Austin then ups the rate to 350. why is it always the lowered tierd ones who do this?
nuglet's Avatar
Yepper. NOW, if "I" had requested her to come here, for ME, that's different, but if the gal chooses to come to Austin, that's HER call. That shouldn't add to MY expense, and frankly, the locals (well some of them) are great and and out of towner is just taking up space most of the time. I don't begrudge them coming, but I'm not paying extra.
Ralphey is right! I'm not going to Dallas and ask for a "gas discount"..
The Legislature is in session. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Well in that case it's everybody who's getting screwed. And it's all unlubed Greek.

Not that I have any complaints about the legislature.
guest031812's Avatar
I think adding 50 dollars to travel from dallas isn't that bad of a deal taking into consideration of traveling (gas prices), hotel cost & other necessities to hobby.. If I were to travel to Dallas with a few Austin girls we would have to raise our price to cover expenses so I can understand
Some girls travel here to see what is like because they may consider relocating here... Let's face it .... Warm weather.... Great music and barbecue.... Why not?.... This means that they do care about their clients and they want regulars... but if they have a bad experience they reconsider.... It's up to the guys if they want to be a gentleman.... And the are good and bad everywhere.... Ladies too...
rrrabbit's Avatar
How hard would you laugh, if I sent you my screening info - requesting a $20 discount to cover gas, food and hotel expenses, since I'm coming from out of town to visit several local ladies ?

atxwrx's Avatar
I rarely, very rarely see traveling girls and when I do, I chose to see the ones who don't up their rates 50+ from their home town rates. I agree with REB and nuglet. I understand the "cost of doing business" argument but that is ridiculous. The sad thing is the reason why they do it is the reason why the gas prices are the way they are, because they can. For every one guy who decides not to see the flavor of the hour traveling girl, there are 20 standing in line with their wallets wide open.

Something fresh and new from what you regularly have to chose from is all fine and dandy, but paying an increase for someone who really doesn't have an incentive of giving excellent service (since this is not their home and if they get a bad rep, on to the next city or back to their home town) is not a wise way to spend hobby funds. Because of that, I tend to shop local.
I dont ask for a discount when I see a Provider in SA or Houston.. so dont ask me to pay for your travel expenses!!! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
ive given discounts if a gent came from austin/new braunfels to see me
maybe youre seeing the wrong ladies ralphey..... jk
cckid2006's Avatar
I think adding 50 dollars to travel from dallas isn't that bad of a deal taking into consideration of traveling (gas prices), hotel cost & other necessities to hobby.. If I were to travel to Dallas with a few Austin girls we would have to raise our price to cover expenses so I can understand Originally Posted by AustinsGurlz
- mmm you make $$$ an hour and I make 1/10 of that and you want me to absorb your expenses?