TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

That's my President
Precious_b's Avatar
Boy. You fell into that trap, eh?
When the event from your meme happened, I was listening to it unfold for over a week on the BBC.
I'm going to sound like some zealot now, but it was all sparked by a Youtube video that inflamed the Middle East. (Link below.)
The Ambassador was a good man. Even missed by the Libyans. He deliberately kept a small footprint for his entourage so as he could meet the people up close. If he kept a regular attachement with him, things might be different.
Precious_b's Avatar
...btw Ellen, when are you going to say the President lied about Mexico paying for the Wall?

Last year, I firmly countered every post you had trying to support it. Ended when you said political promises are not met at times and I showed you that Obama had delivered on his politcal promise that were practically an inverse of Trumps (i.e. Trump failed the great majority of the time on his promises and Obama delivered a great majority of time on his.)

If that isn't a damn near causal relationship to lying, I don't know what is.
Dev Null's Avatar
That wasn't Trump's work, it was Mike Pompeo's - using the same Marine special forces unit created in 2013 during the Obama administration in the aftermath of Benghazi. You know, back when we had an administration that could learn from its mistakes.

And the Iraq embassy was not a heavily armed and well-organized terrorist attack like Benghazi, but just a crowd of angry protesters with Molatov cocktails.

And if anything, it is a direct result of Trump's failed policy in withdrawing the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal. This strengthened hardliners in Iran in their arguments that the United States couldn't be trusted to keep their word.

But I can see how you might get the wrong idea about it if you get all your news from Internet memes.
Precious_b's Avatar
I'm as MAGA as the next guy, but honestly I'd rather we full-on pull everything out of the middle east, embassies included, and just say "fuck that place" until we get an Ottoman Empire 2.0 that can manage the region themselves.

This crap of the west and Russia piecing out the corpse of Ottoman Empire 1.0 for the last 100 years like the spheres of influence in China in the 1890's is getting exhausting and is creating an arab diaspora that is devastating european cultural centers.

Instead of a US/Mexico border wall, just build a wall around the whole of the middle east and let the bastards genocide it out until they're either all dead, or someone manages to wrest control.
Man, shit hit the fan.

CBS Online says they are running it (Special Report on TV earlier.) Originally Posted by Precious_b

His supporters are not going to sit back and let this go without retailation.

At least, Trump has kept us out of Canada ( so far).
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Guessing some of ya'll miss the eternal wisdom of someone who believes that Iran constantly chanting Death to America is indeed just for their own internal consumption and political rhetoric.

Ahhh, yeah, r-r-i-i-i-ght.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Man, shit hit the fan. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Maybe the fan hit the shit?? Wonder if it was one of those fan bladed jobbies. Like the ones they used in Syria a couple weeks ago.
Dev Null's Avatar
I'm as MAGA as the next guy, but honestly I'd rather we full-on pull everything out of the middle east, embassies included, and just say "fuck that place" until we get an Ottoman Empire 2.0 that can manage the region themselves.

This crap of the west and Russia piecing out the corpse of Ottoman Empire 1.0 for the last 100 years like the spheres of influence in China in the 1890's is getting exhausting and is creating an arab diaspora that is devastating european cultural centers. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Commentators on the news last night pointed out that one of the more popular talking points at Trump rallies is getting our troops out of the Middle East. There's already talk of Iraq asking us to leave, so maybe it all depends on whether they fuck up their end game.

Kind of comes off like a "wag the dog" scenario that the GOP is always accusing Dems of, as in the case of Clinton's airstrikes in Sudan, Iraq, and Kosovo on the heels of his impeachment. And Trump famously predicted that Obama would start a war with Iran to get re-elected, but that didn't happen.

But it could be that it was all about saving American lives, like the Pentagon says. "We'll see, said the Zen master".

We didn't get the full story about the Gulf of Tonkin or about Iraq's WMD's for years, so I don't expect we'll get the full story about this one anytime soon.
Agent220's Avatar
I'm as MAGA as the next guy, but honestly I'd rather we full-on pull everything out of the middle east, embassies included, and just say "fuck that place" until we get an Ottoman Empire 2.0 that can manage the region themselves.

This crap of the west and Russia piecing out the corpse of Ottoman Empire 1.0 for the last 100 years like the spheres of influence in China in the 1890's is getting exhausting and is creating an arab diaspora that is devastating european cultural centers.

Instead of a US/Mexico border wall, just build a wall around the whole of the middle east and let the bastards genocide it out until they're either all dead, or someone manages to wrest control. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

This is the smartest policy idea I've heard this year.

We've been beating the War Drums with Iran...
nuglet's Avatar
If trump boy manages to get into an all out declared war with ANYONE (his desire I think) then he won't need to worry about re-election, not during a declared war.
This should of been done before. Nope, no pallots of cash from Trump will be going to Iran like that traitor Obamma did. I still can't believe that pussy Obamma gave Iran cash. It's still unreal and American patriots will make sure that never happens again. MAGA
Dev Null's Avatar
AP Fact check: Trump's Iran cash story oft told, still bogus,-still-bogus

The cash wasn't appropriated from the U.S. Treasury. We didn't give it to them, as Trump said. It was Iran's to begin with dating back to military contracts that were frozen in the 70's.

True story: George W. Bush administration sent $12 billion in cash to Iraq, where it was disbursed without proper controls. It was Iraq's development fund money, not appropriated from the U.S. Treasury, but much of it was lost to corruption and waste, and some of it likely went to criminals and insurgents because the Bush administration mismanaged it:

Also, I'm not sure it's proper to call Obama a traitor. He's not the one that used U.S. appropriated funds to pressure a foreign government into helping throw a U.S. presidential election.
OMG this is so true!