Cory Booker drops out of the presidential race

  • oeb11
  • 01-13-2020, 09:45 AM

As previously announced :

With his departure, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is now the only black candidate remaining in the 12-candidate Democratic primary.

"Nearly one year ago, I got in the race for president because I believed to my core that the answer to the common pain Americans are feeling right now, the answer to Donald Trump's hatred and division, is to reignite our spirit of common purpose to take on our biggest challenges and build a more just and fair country for everyone," he said in an email to supporters obtained by NBC News. "I've always believed that. I still believe that. I'm proud I never compromised my faith in these principles during this campaign to score political points or tear down others."
"And maybe I'm stubborn, but I'll never abandon my faith in what we can accomplish when we join together," he continued. "I will carry this fight forward — I just won't be doing it as a candidate for president this year. Friend, it's with a full heart that I share this news — I've made the decision to suspend my campaign for president."
Booker held a staff call at his campaign headquarters in Newark before making his announcement public, a campaign official told NBC News.

The pahty of d'vusity done got only One Plantation representative Left!!!
All dey got is ole what' folk to try to beat de Trump!!!
The reason - it all Trump's fault - he done brainwashed us !!
Pay no attention to the ole white folks behind the curtains at the DNC pulling the levers!
DPST is de pahty of duh d'versuty!!!
score one for those who desire the end of platitudinous verbosity and malapropism
  • oeb11
  • 01-13-2020, 10:30 AM
DPST's still have Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, and Sanders. And others - Maxine, to start with.

A voyage starts with the first step!
What took him so long to figure out he wasn't electable. The guy is a pathetic moron. There's a few more that need to find the door.
bambino's Avatar
Was he ever in it?
Heck, I thought he quit two months ago.