Serious question for the ladies

TideLWave's Avatar
I almost feel like I need to preface this by saying I've always tried to be respectful to the ladies I've seen and to treat them similar to the way they might want to be treated if we were in a real world setting. Time restraints don't always allow that, but...... And I've recently read and heard a lot of concerns about engaging in the hobby given the new virus risks. Some men have posted that they are taking a break. So with that --

Would you ladies be offended by a request up front that there be no usual contact with hugs, kisses, etc., that there be no chit chat close to each other? Instead maybe a strip show from across the room much like a strip club. Maybe a masturbation show with toys, then spread on the edge of the bed for standing missionary with a pillow over your face or doggie with ass up and face down. Hit it then go.

Would you find that request disrespectful or inconsiderate? I've heard guys say they would be more comfortable with something like that as opposed to a GFE.

Torch me for asking if you need to, but this is a discussion board that needs more discussion.

256SteveO's Avatar
Are you wanting to do this bareback?
I would be honored to do sessions like this
TideLWave's Avatar
Are you wanting to do this bareback? Originally Posted by 256SteveO
Uhh.................. HELL NO. Where did that come from?
69UILTAZ's Avatar
Shit Dogs I'm playing full throttle!
Maybe if i was in my late 60's
I would have concerns! But that is not Taz!
Thanks for the Fun Times my Hobby Family!
Taz heads back to Texas on Friday
Keep having FUN!
And Thank You Ladies!
We had FUN!!!!
Shit Dogs I'm playing full throttle!
Maybe if i was in my late 60's
I would have concerns! But that is not Taz!
Thanks for the Fun Times my Hobby Family!
Taz heads back to Texas on Friday
Keep having FUN!
And Thank You Ladies!
We had FUN!!!! Originally Posted by 69UILTAZ

Certainly no disrespect intended Taz or for any other members of The Forum or for any of the ladies. This is a serious worldwide pandemic and as of 4:00 this afternoon there were 386 cases in Alabama and the first death was reported here. There are over a hundred cases in Jefferson County and you must bear in mind that these confirmed cases are only people who are sick the test is only given to those people who are exhibiting symptoms at this point so for these nearly 400 people that are showing symptoms probably three or four times that many people are out there as of yet undiagnosed please don't do something foolish don't play with your life and health and the life and health of your family and friends this is not just something that's cooked up in the media it's no conspiracy theory fraud this is a real thing that has killed tens of thousands of people worldwide and the United States is quickly becoming the epicenter of this pandemic please be safe be careful take care of yourselves and your family. Also this is not just an old person's disease there have been plenty of people in their teens 20s and 30s that have died from it older people with compromised immune systems or other health conditions are more susceptible to death but anyone can catch the virus it's highly contagious. MJ
Everything associated with this sport is highly contagious. If you do 10 minutes (if you're slow) of research, then do the math, you're more likely to die of the regular flu and the drive to a girl. Just the facts. I plan to participate at my will and the other side of the equation as I wish along with TAZ.
I'm not sure about the statistics of various diseases that can take your life and How likely you are to die of them many of them have treatments and cures this coronavirus does not. The one thing I do know is that if you refuse to ignore the hard science and common sense the one thing that will kill you in the face of all of that is stupidity. MJ
I'm not sure about the statistics of various diseases that can take your life and How likely you are to die of them many of them have treatments and cures this coronavirus does not. The one thing I do know is that if you refuse to ignore the hard science and common sense the one thing that will kill you in the face of all of that is stupidity. MJ Originally Posted by Mammiejammer
Why aren't you sure of the last reported accurate regular flu deaths in Alabama? Don't have the means or energy to look it up or is it just more of the herd mentality?
Why aren't you sure of the last reported accurate regular flu deaths in Alabama? Don't have the means or energy to look it up or is it just more of the herd mentality? Originally Posted by roadcourse
It seems to me that the so-called herd mentality are those people who refuse to acknowledge the hard science about this disease. There is no cure there is no real effective treatment and there is no vaccine for it at this time. I'm not trying to be a jerk here just pointing out some information that I thought might be useful in the Forum. I know quite a number of people who have put the hobby aside until this situation improves. Everyday the hard science points to more and more younger people even children being infected and dying from this. There is nothing that will protect you from exposure even a handshake can be enough to pass the virus. I feel everyone in the Forum will do what they feel comfortable with and I know no one wants to hear me harp incessantly about this so I won't. But everyone please do be careful I say this out of friendship and, camaraderie not trying to be someone on soapbox shouting to the rafters I feel we are all intelligent people here and can make decisions on her own as adults everyone please be careful. MJ
TideLWave's Avatar
I would be honored to do sessions like this Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Thank you Kynsley for responding. I hope to meet you soon.

To Roadcourse, I'm not convinced that your statistics are correct, but I can tell you this:
* If you get the Covid-19 virus, your odds of dying are much greater than your odds of dying if you get the flu.
* If you get the Covid-19 virus, your odds of dying are much greater than your odds of dying if you don't have it and drive to someone's house.
* If you don't understand that, then there's little point in arguing with you here to educate you.

Be safe everyone.
As of right now if you are under the age of 64 the death rate for this virus is less than 2% and that percentage will get lower with the more tests made available. So yes the may be no "cure", but in the overwhelming vast majority of healthy adults it does not present an eminent danger.
TideLWave's Avatar
As of right now if you are under the age of 64 the death rate for this virus is less than 2% and that percentage will get lower with the more tests made available. So yes the may be no "cure", but in the overwhelming vast majority of healthy adults it does not present an eminent danger. Originally Posted by Pounder
If you are correct and the death rate is 2% for those under 64 then that's 20x more deadly that the flu for the general population (including old people) which is reported to be 0.1%. For those under 64 and healthy that's probably 50x or 100x more deadly than the flu.
Katy Adams's Avatar
I would be glad to see clients !!! If it's meant to be then it will be!!!
Thank you Kynsley for responding. I hope to meet you soon.

To Roadcourse, I'm not convinced that your statistics are correct, but I can tell you this:
* If you get the Covid-19 virus, your odds of dying are much greater than your odds of dying if you get the flu.
* If you get the Covid-19 virus, your odds of dying are much greater than your odds of dying if you don't have it and drive to someone's house.
* If you don't understand that, then there's little point in arguing with you here to educate you.

Be safe everyone. Originally Posted by TideLWave
Last year 2 per million died of the regular flu. Year before, 4 per million died of the regular flu. Last year 177 per million died of auto accidents. It does take the skills to use Google and then a little arithmetic to find and verify facts. I wasn't trying to convince you and you're right, there's no point in arguing with me unless you have facts.