The son of a bitch is faking it

I have my doubts about he being infected with COVID-19. I have the feeling that he is just weaseling out of another disaster debate where he made us the laughing stock of the whole world.

I hope I am wrong and the he spends a couple of months on a respirator.
it's a nothing burger because they've have a mountain of bodies to work with and only just figured out treatment in July + the guy has some of the best docs in the country waiting on him.

I dunno why he'd weasel out of a debate he dominated. Made Joe look like a limp dicked coward.
winn dixie's Avatar
Conspiracy theory! Just another anti- Trumper
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Conspiracy theory! Just another anti- Trumper Originally Posted by winn dixie
There's a lot of it going around places like Reddit. It's a cognitive dissonance thing because people have been locked in their homes and spoon fed the idea that this is a grotesque and monstrous disease.

The truth is that COVID19, like a lot of new illnesses, have a lot of initial shock when they first show up because docs are literally guessing as to how to address it, and you end up with this whole weird list of symptoms that change daily because they don't know if something is due to the virus or something else in the person.

Now that they know how the virus interacts at the cellular level, how it disrupts oxidant/antioxidant equilibrium, exacerbates inflammation, and causes the blood to thicken, they can attack it there, attack it early, and cut it off at the pass before it gets bad.

But because people have been trained by the news that this is some zombie apocalypse, they think he should be hooked up to an iron lung.
Precious_b's Avatar
GG, the only thing he dominated was the attitude of a petulant kindergarden bully throwing a tantrum by whining what he wants.

He'd go alot farther if he grew up.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Pretty sure Joe-mentia is faking being coherent. Not sure which to feel worse about; The Hiden sign commuting suicide or that poor sign language interpreter trying to make out what Joe-mentia was trying to say.

19 seconds
Big Daddy is Back!! Oh the joy of watching libturds heads explode. Priceless.
pleasurem's Avatar
He’s probably done more in a week than O’Dumbass did 8 years!!!
Precious_b's Avatar
Big Daddy is Back!! Oh the joy of watching libturds heads explode. Priceless. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You have to supply a link for that.
Only if it is from a non-biased/extremely close to non-biased site.

Frankly, glad he is out. Hopefully he is doing better. Reports of such are sketchy. I can understand doctor/patient priveledge (sp) but i'm sure there is a little leeway with a public figure.

Politics aside, he has a family. No matter how screwed up it is by reports of the books from inlaws, there are those close to him that love him.
GG, the only thing he dominated was the attitude of a petulant kindergarden bully throwing a tantrum by whining what he wants.

He'd go alot farther if he grew up. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Nah, fuck decorum. If it were me, the network sensors would have been busy bleeping out the things I to say to Sputtering Joe. Don was right to take him to task. Being president isn't about being the smartest man in the room, it's about surrounding yourself with the smartest people and having the backbone to get shit done.

Modern American foreign policy is what I refer to as "The Velvet Gauntlet" (a combination of the Velvet Glove and the Iron Fist). While the gentle touch part is important, I think it's the easiest part to do. The part we've struggled with is the words and backbone to back up our muscle, rather than just using the muscle. I don't think Donny gets it 100% right by any stretch, but I think he does it better than any other president since Ike.

The other thing I don't particularly care about is the EU's opinion. I see folks whinge about how Europeans are embarrassed for us, or are laughing at us. I don't care. A country can't be your friend. Being "liked" doesn't form meaningful alliances, you have to be respected, feared, and needed. Past administrations have worked too hard at being liked that we are seldom respected, feared, or needed. That changes when we start putting ourselves first. You don't need to step on necks to do it, but you don't need to let other people step on yours." width="858" height="508">" />">
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
My guess is that the doctors at Walter Reed would have preferred to have Trump stay isolated longer but Trump has the right to check himself out. He has the virus. Will he self-quarantine himself at the WH as I did upon returning from Brazil last March simply because I MIGHT have had it?

Trump still has this cavalier attitude toward COVID-19. "Don't be afraid of COVID". 210,000 deaths in this country alone.

Election 4 weeks away. If Trump loses, he has no one but himself to blame for not following the basic "rules" to prevent the spread of the virus -- wear a mask and social distance. At least 10 people who attended the Rose Garden meeting on Sep. 26 have come down with the virus. Voters see this and shake their heads in disbelief. When Trump is criticized for his lack of action on COVID-19 and he and his supporters ask what could he have done differently, look no further than this single event.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Reading these comments reinforce estimates of the thickness of the Trumpian bubble.

You honestly felt he dominated the debate?

Or that he has accomplished anything to benefit the people of this nation as President?

OK then.

I really honestly do.

His opponents are elitist ivory tower statists with globalist inclinations who enact feel-good legislation without regard of people's god-given rights, and this includes some people in his own party. Every single one of them deserves the rope, and I'll support anyone who wants to take them to task, especially in a debate.

The only thing he's done that I really disapprove of was pushing the bump stock ban, the rest I'm fine with or approve of.
Precious_b's Avatar
Nah, fuck decorum. If it were me, the network sensors would have been busy bleeping out the things I to say to Sputtering Joe. Don was right to take him to task. Being president isn't about being the smartest man in the room, it's about surrounding yourself with the smartest people and having the backbone to get shit done.

Modern American foreign policy is what I refer to as "The Velvet Gauntlet" (a combination of the Velvet Glove and the Iron Fist). While the gentle touch part is important, I think it's the easiest part to do. The part we've struggled with is the words and backbone to back up our muscle, rather than just using the muscle. I don't think Donny gets it 100% right by any stretch, but I think he does it better than any other president since Ike.

The other thing I don't particularly care about is the EU's opinion. I see folks whinge about how Europeans are embarrassed for us, or are laughing at us. I don't care. A country can't be your friend. Being "liked" doesn't form meaningful alliances, you have to be respected, feared, and needed. Past administrations have worked too hard at being liked that we are seldom respected, feared, or needed. That changes when we start putting ourselves first. You don't need to step on necks to do it, but you don't need to let other people step on yours." width="858" height="508">" />"> Originally Posted by GastonGlock
I can see your POV on alot of this. He still comes across as an entitled child to me using the office for his own personal gain. Has a documented history of it, regardless how much $$$ he throws at lawyers to hide it.

Like the Mercedes Benz analogy. But I think Reagan did a good job for the Foreign Policy angle. You gotta give him kudos for bringing down the Wall (an idea that doesn't work or is a poor return on $$$ invested.)

But I can agree with trump in how we handle things with other countries and need to change things. He is too much stick with it though. Need more lining on that glove