Elon Musk must be tearing his clothes

A year ago the OAS, with help of the State Department and probably some moneyed interests like Elon Musk, organized a coup against the winner of the Bolivian election Evo Morales. This coup was done in order to put a puppet government who would be more likely to give away the vast lithium reserves of Bolivia to multi-national interest wanting to loot such a resource.

Elon Musk even bragged in a tweet about his participation.


Two days ago, the Bolivian people elected the same party (MAS / Movimiento al Socialismo) who was thrown away in the coup for a five year mandate with 53 percent of the votes. This not only, disproves the claims of vote fraud made by the OAS and Trump about Evo Morales's re-election a year ago, but also puts a halt to the efforts of "privatizing" (giving away to foreign interests) the mineral resources of Bolivia.

The asshole Elon Musk and the ones who participated in the coup must be furious!!! Good for them. Their little plot did not work.
This is the sort of NeoCon shit I can't stand. When I say I want to pull troops back home and mind our own damn business, it includes this shit.

Shit like this is why 9/11 happened - US Businesses and Government assets going into other countries, using mercs to slaughter or rout the natives, installing compliant warlords.
Thanks for sharing this. Learning about this type of stuff is very interesting. I used to work with 2 old ex Army guys from the early 80's late 70's. They had all types of stories about things they did in central/south america.. I had no idea that the US Gov messed around so much over there.
We are still putting our noses there in spite that the MAS won with a 54 percent majority (once rural areas were tallied the victory is even more robust).

Former President Carlos Mesa (I think he was president 12 years ago), who ended up 2nd with 30 something percent of the vote, conceded and said that he will be the leader of the opposition (as in any democratic process) for the next five years.

The one who got the third place, Camacho, with around fourteen percent of the vote, does not accept his overwhelming defeat. He is organizing riots probably with State Department help and funding from predators like Elon Musk.

Neo-cons and unrestricted capitalists (the ones that the U.S. usually supports overseas even if they are foreign entities - remember British Petroleum and Iran) are bad losers. They support "democracy" as long as it goes their way.