Prop B passed

winn dixie's Avatar
Our Prop B passed. But city council may not let cops enforce it! Fucking typical of a bunch of do gooder cowards
Damn I just asked what this meant in the other thread did not see this one.
I am XX high end hotel like Hilton Marriott and about 5 tents are near my parking area and vagrants are all around trash and disgust at my property line.
I can now tell my $12 an hr employees to go remove all that crap being an eye soar and keeping $$ away from my establishment? At what risk? I can just march over with a bull dosser and a huge trash can?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Our Prop B passed. But city council may not let cops enforce it! Fucking typical of a bunch of do gooder cowards Originally Posted by winn dixie
I doubt anyone likes the tent cities that are found throughout Austin other than those living in them. The question that remains is what do you do with those hundreds of people currently living in these tents? Simply make them move out of sight? Arrest them?

The city recently purchased a hotel in NW Austin in order to house a handful of those homeless and people immediately protested against the action. NIMBY.

The Austin City Council is meeting tomorrow night to discuss the options:

On Thursday, the Austin City Council will consider a resolution related to creating designated campsites for people experiencing homelessness.

According to the agenda for Thursday's meeting, the item would direct City Manager Spencer Cronk to:

- research best practices related to temporarily designated encampments on public land

- present the council with a description of and budget for appropriate infrastructure at designated encampments such as lighting, water, restrooms, showers, storage and security

- provide criteria for citing designated encampments

- and identify publicly-owned land or land within the city limits owned by willing community partners that could accommodate temporary housing
winn dixie's Avatar
Out of sight outta mind. The hotels the city purchased will be trashed in no time. The crime will be bad enough that le will have to step in and the neighbors around these areas will eventually get them boarded up due to these problems.
Large percentage of these folks dont want to go to shelters. Best thing to do is buy a big field in the country and bring the homeless there and let them run and play in the beautiful sunshine.
winn dixie's Avatar
Wonder if adler would house some of these precious austin resources????????????
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Out of sight outta mind. The hotels the city purchased will be trashed in no time. The crime will be bad enough that le will have to step in and the neighbors around these areas will eventually get them boarded up due to these problems.
Large percentage of these folks dont want to go to shelters. Best thing to do is buy a big field in the country and bring the homeless there and let them run and play in the beautiful sunshine. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Really? You have no "realistic" solution as to what to do with the homeless population? Figures.
Precious_b's Avatar
Speed, his domestic policy is a mirror of his foreign one.
Especially the underlying cause of things he gripes about.
winn dixie's Avatar
Really? You have no "realistic" solution as to what to do with the homeless population? Figures. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do you have a solution that doesnt cost the tax payers for these dead beats! Do you think allowing them to camp anywhere is good? Safe?
The out of luck homeless look for ways to better themselves! The majority though are just a dredge on society!
Solution? Let the libs that worship these folks have them live with them!

Major crawfishin now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Do you have a solution that doesnt cost the tax payers for these dead beats! Do you think allowing them to camp anywhere is good? Safe?
The out of luck homeless look for ways to better themselves! The majority though are just a dredge on society!
Solution? Let the libs that worship these folks have them live with them!

Major crawfishin now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
No I do not. But there has to be a better answer than simply telling them to disappear with no options. My church supports the Community FIrst Village. We also support Mobile Loves and Fishes which supports in part the homeless. And the Austin food bank.

Many other cities in the country are dealing with the same problem. There is no easy answer and yes, spending some tax dollars on them will probably help.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speed, his domestic policy is a mirror of his foreign one.
Especially the underlying cause of things he gripes about. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I am sure you are clueless as to domestic and foreign policies.
IIRC, the ordinance is supposed to be enforced (again) starting May 11th (this Tuesday). I have seen no effort on the homeless to start to close down their tent cities, except for one guy begging for money to get a bus ticket to OKC (which I think there should be a program for...get these people out of Austin, if they think they have a better opportunity elsewhere).
winn dixie's Avatar
APD supposedly will have 4 stages starting with warnings and outreach. Last stage is automatic arrest/ticket.
Precious_b's Avatar
I am sure you are clueless as to domestic and foreign policies. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Sorry I missed this.
When it comes to the person who I quoted, I really don't care to dedicate one neuron to gauge.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You can read articles by better writers than I, such as: Effects of Property Taxation on Slums and Renewal: A Study of Land-Improvement Assessment Ratios

The long and the short of it is basically that cities try to clear out "the slums" to raise the property values so they can collect more tax revenue ($'s per square foot of real estate) and do nothing with the displaced peoples. This has gone on for a long time, all the while ignoring the fact that slums do in fact provide "services" to the homeless. It's just that regular people tend to stay away (specifically their wallet stays away) from the slums except for illicit things and services, aka slumming. In ironic stupidity, they later raise property taxes further to try to treat the lingering homelessness. Try searching with these terms to see how pervasive that is: "homeless city property tax revenue increase"

And NO, Socialism will not solve it because, simply put:

The question that remains is what do you do with those hundreds of people currently living in these tents? Simply make them move out of sight? Arrest them? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Burn them down. And burn them down when they pop back up. Do it enough times, and they'll get the hint and leave. The people living in them aren't down on their luck, they're not mentally disturbed, they're addicts and nere-do-wells from California, Oregon, and Washington. They come to town for the festivals and the tolerant people and easy drugs that come with liberally minded folk.

And if that doesn't work, get a backhoe and dig a deepish hole.