
This guy wrote me the email below and when I politely explained that he had been inappropriate he sent the second one.

Staff Edit: Contents of email communications removed. Please review the forum guidelines as to what is permitted, in particular, rule #9. CZ

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-12-2013, 03:22 PM
Some of these guys are just nuts. I feel for you chicks sometimes.
Thanks trey....

But get this...I got a 5 pt infraction for posting this... Col Z used rule number 9 stating posting emails between members is not allowed

BUT this douche bag isn't a member here ( that I know of...he wrote to my personal email addy!)
John Boneher's Avatar
You know, for the benefit of the other members, it wouldn't hurt to summarize the gist of the message. I'm sure that would also be in line with the rules. What do you think? Otherwise, this thread is now completely useless.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It would be best not to try and skirt around the rules. While there are ways to do so I would suggest waiting another time when you have information you'd like to share. Not twice on the same thread
John Boneher's Avatar
Ok, so now we have to stay "sufficiently far away" from crossing the line as it relates to each rule.

Just thought it'd be helpful, otherwise this thread - like many of its brethren - is trash.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Sir you may do as you please, the rules are for everyone to see therefore you are well aware of what will happen if you cross those lines. My advice was to the OP of the thread. If the thread or others are useless to you then simply move on to one that is useful to you
What does five points taken away mean and how many points does one have? I've never heard of this before. Thanks.
...sometimes you wonder what these guys are they either ask a question that scares you enough to pick up and run, or you're left scratching your head.
tia travels's Avatar
I don't think you start with points. (Correct me if I'm wrong someone.) I just think they "cite" you points. You're only allowed a certain number. Once you hit, you're banned. I believe all points expire after some time.
Thanks Tia.
Wakeup's Avatar
But get this...I got a 5 pt infraction for posting this... Col Z used rule number 9 stating posting emails between members is not allowed

BUT this douche bag isn't a member here ( that I know of...he wrote to my personal email addy!) Originally Posted by Alluring Allison
Alright Col. Zodiak, I've been given a couple of examples of you doing this now. Since I can't see the original edited post, do you have evidence that the person Allison posted about is a member of this board?
Cpalmson's Avatar
I've been around here a long time, and I just don't get this rule. It makes no sense. What is the big deal about relying private communication? I'm not trying to be a jerk. I seriously want to know. I can see where it is a case where "trust" was violated, but if it is simple info sharing where no trust is at risk, who cares?
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm not going to argue the validity of the rule, go argue that shit somewhere else...what I'm going to argue is Zodiak's interpretation of it. For him to remove that post, he had to know that it was private communication between two board members. If one of them wasn't a board member, then the rule doesn't apply in the slightest.

I've seen multiple instances of this being done here, time to get this fixed...
Wakeup's Avatar
Well Zodiak?

Do you have a reason why you removed the post? What rule was broken?

The OP has said that the email wasnt from a board member...but BEFORE she said that, you had already removed the post AND assessed points. To do so, you had to have had a rule violation occur. Quoting rule 9 means two things, one, you had to have proof that the post was a private communication, and two, you had to have proof that the private communication was between two board members.

These two things are both required to have been established BEFORE a rule violation has occurred. Since the OP admitted it was an email, the first part is satisfied. What about the second part? What evidence do you have, without having the email and conducting your own search, that the sender is a board member?

As a moderator, you're not allowed to issue points when no rule violation has occurred, so you obviously have proof that one did. So please, explain this proof you have that the guy is a board member, otherwise put the post back up and remove the points.

You don't get to assume that every email, text, or picture posted is between board members, you don't get it that easy, so prove that you did the right thing, or don't ever do it's simple...