
Everybody tlks about screening calls. Ive been tryn 2 figure it out. But i really dont even no wut im doing. Can someone help me with this problem please??
Have you figured it out yet? there are so many threads relative to your inquiry that are informative.
Perhaps reach to the mods in your locale to clarify, or touch base with the providers there as well.
Basic screening is looking at the user who pms, checking posting/review history, and ask for recent refs. then cross check the refs with the providers he uses and ensure safety by not seeing someone who has no identifying information.
New pros are especially vulnerable to creepers, LE and the pushy, haggle, drama clientale. By placing your paramaters in place EARLY you will rectify the notion formed that you are new, know nothing, and are a potential mark for the less than scrupulous clientale that lurks the board.
ALSO... DON'T FALL FOR ANY OF THE " ILL REVIEW YOU FOR A FREE SESSION" CREEPERS THAT HANG AROUND WELCOME WAGON READY TO POUNCE. You are fresh meat, your in demand. Period. You need not give freebies to these notorious houndogs out of desperation for reviews. Establish a good business ethic, take good care of your clientale, and your reputation will build in a positive way,
Also... leave your personal life real world issues, circumstances, etc OFF THE BOARD! So many seem to place value on letting everyone know all their business, and form a bad rap among the hobbiest circles. You are here for business not to broadcast your life like its Facebook. I have seen SO MUCH OF THIS and it hurts your business, so keep it professional and keep it safe.
Good luck and welcome!
jbravo_123's Avatar
I would also recommend getting P411 access as well since that should provide another tool you can use in your screening process (hobbyists with P411 accounts should generally be safer and more legit than those who do not - as always no guarantees though!).