"Wealthy gentleman has a fantasy: Could be lucrative"

So I was at it again.... browsing through civvie dating personals - (traditional not p4p) when thankfully much to my amusement, I ran into this absolutely illogical but hilarious post. Tell me what you make of it.

"I am a normal, successful 42 year old SWM professional just out of a longer relationship. I have the fantasy of having sex with an attractive, younger, classy lady in exchange for money. It is my fantasy that you have sex with me for the money. We have a regular playdate (would love something ongoing) and we have sex and we both have fun and you get paid.

Something really turns me on about this dynamic and money is not a problem for me so I thought it would be fun to make this offer. I want to meet someone I like and someone who likes me as well. I promise I am a gentleman, a good guy and quite normal accept for this fantasy.

Let me know if this would be a turn on for you, you will like me, and I'll pay you a very handsome sum to seduce me. I do not want to hire a professional prostitute for this as I'm hoping to find someone smart and sweet who is genuinely turned on by the fiscal dynamics of our carnal affair."

Ladies if you are interested in this tempting offer please ask me and I will be happy to direct you to his ad. But remember, you're only getting paid for the fantasy of having sex for money. No professional prostitutes. Tsk tsk
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