Traveling Sales man

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Traveling Sales man is on the road when the sun goes down. He doesn't see any lights around except for a farm house. He knocks on the door and asks the farmer if he can spend the night. The farmer being a generous guy takes the salesman to the barn and gives him a blanket. The salesman notices three holes in the floor and asks what they are. The farmer looks at him and says, those are glory holes, you can fuck the first two, but what ever you do don't fuck that third hole! The sales man reply's thanks, but no thanks. The farmer goes back to the house and the salesman turns in for the night. Sometime during the night the sales man awakes and is horny. He thinks to himself what the hell and starts to fuck the first hole. Man does that hole feel good and fifteen minutes later he's shot his load and is feeling good. A few minutes latter he's feeling randy once again. He starts to fuck the second hole. Holy crap his cock has never been serviced so good in his entire life and sure enough ten minutes latter he's shot his wad and is lying there satisfied and catching his breath. So the sales man starts to think. Humm, that first hole was really good, and the second hole was the best he has ever experienced, I bet that old farmer is keeping that third hole all to himself because its the best. The sales man say's fuck that and starts to fuck the third hole. The next morning the farmer comes out to the barn to offer breakfast to the sales man. Upon entering the barn the farmer finds blood all over the place, the sales man is lying naked on the floor barely alive. The farmer says, Damn if son I TOLD YOU not to fuck that third hole!!! The sales mans what behind ...the holes. The farmer reply's... well that first hole is my dead wife, she passed just a few days ago. That second hole is my bets cow Betty. But that there third hole is my damn automatic milking machine and it don't stop till it gets 30 gallons!