DATY-Ladies only repond-Guys, read & learn

  • hd
  • 12-01-2010, 08:43 AM
I've been told numerous times I'm very good with my tongue, and it does go to my head! A number of years ago before my hobbying started, my wife and I just had a so-so BCD life so to kick start a change, we went to the toy store and picked up a video and toys about oral techniques. Up to that point I was utterly clueless as to how to pleasure a woman, and she was a little worried about damaging my ego, so she never gave me any guidance.
My point being, I will tell you what and how I like the bj you're giving me, would you girls tell me what and how you'd like me to give you a satisfying tongue lashing w/o the worry of hurting my ego?
You're also welcome to include any details on your likes and dislikes on technigues. Pics are also welcome, but you can pm them to me if you don't want them up for general viewing

After all, most guys want you to enjoy yourself too, and if you truely do, that brings us back.
London Rayne's Avatar
I can't tell you...would have to show you. Best daty I ever had was from a woman, and no I am not naming names!
  • hd
  • 12-01-2010, 12:01 PM
LR, videos are OK!
ANONONE's Avatar
Why do you assume women are the sole authority on how their pussy should be eaten?

If you are as good as you claim, you should have shocked them at how good you can make them feel with little or no direction. The real artist makes them feel parts of their body tremble that they didn't even know existed until your tongue found it.
London Rayne's Avatar
You have a reading comprehension issue lol. I never said anything about women being the authority...some of them are horrible. What I said was, "so far, the best I have ever had just happened to be a woman." Sorry if that bothers you.

If only your suggestion on telling guys what to do was so easy...most of them don't listen or don't even care, because trust me I have tried. No complaints at all from guys in TN. I get at least 10 orgasms a week there, and they don't need much direction....they just know what to do for me.
  • hd
  • 12-01-2010, 12:43 PM
Women are the sole authority on this subject, it's their body and they know better than anyone else what they like, and each one is different in the way daty is applied, so I welcome when they direct me on what and how to apply said tongue. Just as I direct their bj. When all is good, you should only hear moaning!

And, I didn't say I was good, but I've been told that.

Should I take this as a challenge to a tongue-off ANONONE. We'll need to find a lady that will be impartial, maybe even a panel of ladies would be better?
I can't tell you...would have to show you. Best daty I ever had was from a woman, and no I am not naming names! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yeah baby! It wasn't me though.

Hey, I'm curious. Is this a threAD, or a thread?
London Rayne's Avatar
Ask the OP lol.
Damn hd! I wish they would tell me that. What's the secret? I just get slapped and asked to do K9 and then to leave.
  • hd
  • 12-01-2010, 12:57 PM
Point of the thread is would you (provider) tell me or guide me during daty, or just lay back and look at the ceiling and fake it until I was done thinking I satisfied your "O" ? You may think that giving direction would kill his ego?

Just curious how any provider might handle this situation?
Okay, I'm sorry. You can usually tell if I'm enjoying myself or not. Sometimes, it depends on how well hydrated I am. Both males and females have been rewarded by me.
ANONONE's Avatar
You have a reading comprehension issue lol. I never said anything about women being the authority... Originally Posted by London Rayne
That was directed at the OP, doll. Thanks for playing though. . .

hd, no not all women are the sole authority on their bodies. Some of them are quite clueless actually. Most consummate providers do not fit in this classification, but you can always teach even the most experienced lady a trick or two if you put forth some effort to be observant, intuitive, and then adapt your knowledge and skill as your interpret their cues--they don't have to sound like a Tom-Tom giving you turn by turn instruction.

I would tend to think that would be a bit tedious, eh ladies?

As to a tongue off, sure I am game--you pick up the session fee if I can make London squirt further than you can.
It has been my experience, both personal and professional that if someone is truly unskilled they are also the one most likely to either be offended by direction or to simply not listen. This is the same sort of person who assumes that because they are getting aroused their partner must be as well. Paying attention to subtle cues is so so important but if you can't do that, well, you probably aren't very good in bed lol. I have had some truly godawful head in my life, to the point that for a few years anytime someone started moving down I would stop them. Bad head is worse than no head (i know you men might disagree).

But professionally, I offer encouragement when they do good things (ooh you gave me goosebumps!) and only do out and out directions when they are hurting me (no grinding your teeth against my clit!). If I can't stop it, or fix it, a good "i need you now" is usually a pretty effective way to move on to something else.
London Rayne's Avatar
That was directed at the OP, doll. Thanks for playing though. . .

hd, no not all women are the sole authority on their bodies. Some of them are quite clueless actually. Most consummate providers do not fit in this classification, but you can always teach even the most experienced lady a trick or two if you put forth some effort to be observant, intuitive, and then adapt your knowledge and skill as your interpret their cues--they don't have to sound like a Tom-Tom giving you turn by turn instruction.

I would tend to think that would be a bit tedious, eh ladies?

As to a tongue off, sure I am game--you pick up the session fee if I can make London squirt further than you can. Originally Posted by ANONONE

London does not squirt period! Sorry boys!
ANONONE's Avatar
London does not squirt period! Sorry boys! Originally Posted by London Rayne
You mean YET. You just haven't met the right guy.