Why do you use ECCIE?

The tats thread (and how long he should be banned) went off on a tangent. The question became why do you use ECCIE and what do you think of the social interaction between the guys and girls.
For me, I have done the social thing before thru TOS and found it to be primarily a sausage fest with the few girls that are there not the type I would pay to have sex with. So that's not happening again.
I personally use this site as a way to pick up ho-fo info(which there is very little of here) or useful SA info(which there is a little bit of).
Having said that, the belittling of the girls is counter-productive "IF" you want more girls to sign up. I could care less if they post, but I think most here want more hot little things to join.
TOS has become a joke in that few new girls want to join or I honesty believe the Moo-moo-mafia purposely make it hard to keep away the competition. I also thing the "price police"....you know them..the guys that slam any dude that pays any chick more than $250 away from joining here and TOS.
So is ECCIE going to just be an SA info exchange site or is there going to be growth in regular paid providers joining this site?
I'm almost strictly sugardaddy, so it doesn't bother me much how this site is going, but it might be nice to improve the numbers. At the very least it might give me something sexy to look at while I look at some of these crazy ass posts. lol
Your thoughts?
For straight forward reliable info that isn't slanted to protect the fat ass providers on TOS. The guys here, for the most part, are extremely reliable. If a girl is phenomenal she is praised. If she's a mess, it's known without all the backlash. Every situation is a YMMV but at least you have a realistic expectation walking into an appointment.
A lot of ladies I know cringe when they hear the name of this site due to the fact that it is a bit more brutally honest than others.
Or at least you think it is.
Same as any other site only two people really know what happens.
Same as any other site there is back channel info.
Along with lots of info right out there in the open.
You guys are visiting the wrong TOS
Big Stig's Avatar
I come here for the brutal honesty.
I come here for the brutal honesty. Originally Posted by Big Stig
Same here.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Entertainment. It's like jerry springer with more character development.
wood469's Avatar
So do I, but you don't always get it. But then it a good start.
tx Easy Rider's Avatar
I come here for the brutal honesty. Originally Posted by Big Stig
+1 .
chizzy's Avatar
I come here for the brutal honesty. Originally Posted by Big Stig

I came here for all of stigs' leftovers..................... .
Good info and laughs. The stories are priceless.
Why do you use ECCIE?
I'm required to be nice on FPCS.... so I come here for the giggles....
zip2121's Avatar
Eccie gives good info for the area. Other areas, its sorely lacking, and other sites have that. NYC, ohio... this place blows.

Pittsburgh, occasionally south of here by 40 min, it is good info. Most of us know how to wade through the BS too.
berryberry's Avatar
I appreciate the much more honest reviews and hofo here. TOS has become a joke in that regard

Could care less about social interaction on a message board with a provider

If you want ads - check out BP.

Note - yes, Pittsburgh has less ads here than TOS - but part of the reason is ECCIE allows one ad a week - where TOS you get one or two (if posted on vouched and unvouched threads) from the same providers every day. Plus some local providers simply prefer posting on BP rather than deal with the color coded crap and the moo moo mafia at TOS

Choices are good. People can shoose what works best for them
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 04-14-2017, 07:25 AM
I use Eccie for real info on providers. Indys is unreliable, and also very limited in terms of providers covered. Whereas here - BP Reviews, SA, SW, some UTRs, etc.. if you find some random hoorrat or new girl, better chance you'll get the real scoop here.

As for girls posting here-it's mildly interesting, but not as valuable. After all, Indys had/had lots more girls posting-but I ended up using Eccie much more, so that's what's valuable to me.

This place helps me avoid train wrecks and disappointments (not at 100%!), and it's why I'm here.