Most time you've wasted?

I see reviews and comments now and then about how a gal has kept one of you waiting well past the allotted time simply because she wasn't ready yet/had car problems/whatever excuses..
I recently saw one that actually said the date started 2 hrs AFTER the original requested time.

Who has time to waste like this? Personally the only time I've asked a gentleman to wait a few more minutes is when he either:
Arrived early

Was unsure about when he would arrive and I didn't have quite enough notice.

And recently when he hemmed and hawwed all day about when he could make it and then gave me 30 minutes notice and I was out grabbing a bite at the time...still only had to wait 5 minutes.

And I mean really? some of these reviews sound like the girls are barely dressed let alone made up and all prepared to be their best

So I ask you guys,
What is the most time you have been made to wait for a lady to finish preparing for you??
What made you wait? was it worth the wait?

Seems all the "standard rules of operation" are changing these days and I'm having a hard time keeping up with them all.
Since I do not wish to be late I give myself more time than needed. So the only time a woman asked me to wait, when I was not early, was once. A ten A.M. appointment. I called and she asked for five minutes because she woke up late. She wanted to change, or else she would be in her "sexy sweat pants and sweat shirt". I said I didn't care so she told me to count to twenty and come on up. I thought it was going to be something important like she had not had her morning coffee, was not there to see fashion model. I understand to some women AND MEN outfit is important. I was there to see a polite freshly showered woman. And yes, I realize her excuse could be a lie.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I had one girl text message me a full 10 hours after our appointment time saying she was ready and to come on in
I had one girl text message me a full 10 hours after our appointment time saying she was ready and to come on in Originally Posted by AmishGangster

Did she fall down the Rabbithole on her way?
thecaptainpgh's Avatar
It's happened to me as well. Time is a hard concept for a lot of people to understand.
Big Stig's Avatar
I don't waste time anymore since I decided to no longer do incall appointments. That's not to say providers show up on time because very few ever do. But even if they are hours late, I'm not out there in some holding pattern waiting for them to text me back. Even when I was doing incalls, I would not wait more than 15 minutes. After that, I moved on. If they got back to me later, chances are I would tell them its too late. But add up travel time to and from and wait time I feel like I've wasted billions of hours over the years.
Time is a valuable commodity.
Traffic happens, other things happen but does it ever seem to be a pattern with some people?

I have a civi friend for example, who can be relied on to be at least an hour late anytime she's going somewhere.
If my party starts at 8 I tell her 7. lol

Since I've gone mostly incall these days and don't do as many deliveries I don't have traffic to deal with.
I always try to leave early when possible to be sure I made it +/- 5 minutes of the set time.

On the reverse though I do have a couple friends in the hobby who are usually 10-15 min late arriving. not a problem since I don't piggyback but it does make me giggle a bit when guys complain about promptness.
I don't waste time anymore since I decided to no longer do incall appointments. That's not to say providers show up on time because very few ever do. But even if they are hours late, I'm not out there in some holding pattern waiting for them to text me back. Even when I was doing incalls, I would not wait more than 15 minutes. After that, I moved on. If they got back to me later, chances are I would tell them its too late. But add up travel time to and from and wait time I feel like I've wasted billions of hours over the years. Originally Posted by Big Stig
15 minutes?? In hooker time that is actually 10 minutes early. There is an algorithm for this.
  • ron32
  • 07-06-2017, 03:42 PM
If I book a time with a incall gal, I am always there on time, even a min or two early if possible.

On the flip side, If I schedule a time with a outcall gal to visit me in my hotel, etc.. and I start getting excuses like I'm stuck in traffic, etc.. I assume that she is just screwing her way to me or making a few hobby related stops. It doesn't take two or three hours to get across town. Just cut the BS and say you are seeing another client, we get the biz aspect of this. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to schedule a few guys per night and allow for travel. When I get the excuses anymore, I just move on, my time is valuable too.
It hasn't happened in quite a while, but I've waited 2.5 hours on several occasions. Different providers, but that was the last time I saw any of them. When I'm horny, I'll go to great lengths to get the poison out!
Coupled with the fact that sometimes it takes hours to even set something up with someone ANYONE, I usually leave the entire afternoon or evening open to hobby. However, I can afford that because I'm single and live alone.

If they're coming to me, it's a little more tricky, but I've waited 1+ hours too. But as long as they keep in contact, I'm less annoyed by it. I've also found that if she's gone dark for more than an hour, it ain't happening.
This was a number of years ago but contacted a provider once inquiring about a particular day and time and never got a response until two weeks later telling me if I was still interested to contact her.

I know it's not a scenario where the appointment was confirmed or not (and totally doesn't match the topic here) but I have always used that incident to illustrate how far and long communication can break down.

On the flip side, and staying more on subject, most time I ever waited was about an hour and a half. It was one of those situations where supposedly this, that, and this other thing happened on her end last minute. In retrospect spec, I think there were others reasons for it.

I'm typically not as patient as I once was so I do think I would wait more than an hour now, and even then I would need to be aware of that before I get there. Theres not much more irritating than to get there only to get strung along with the "can you stop and get covers" or "I just need another 10-15 minutes to get ready". If that's the case, that's fine but remember to look at a clock and tell the other person before the last possible moment.

Anyhow I'm rambling but that's my input.
Last time I was "let down" by a provider, I called her to arrange a car date for noon to 12:30. She said that was good, to text when on way, I did so, and then it started. She went dark for 40 min or so, then made up some excuse(don't remember what it was). At about 2:00, I texted her back & said to forget it. Around 3:00 she texts me and says to come on over. From that time forward, when a girl goes dark after 20min. or so, the deal is off &I move on.