Just wondering

  • Dlh
  • 07-09-2017, 12:50 PM
So i have been hanging out while now... i lurked in the shadows for a while then registered. Around the same time i got on to tos

I have been active here but not so much over there

The point of the thread.....
Why dont girls hang out here? Or advertise... i know jinny and nikki. But thats it. Heather is also around a little advertising in OH.

I have seen most of the guys that post here alot over there.

As far as the girls is it to hard to do both? Or cuz we dont have colors indicating that some1 saw us?
Or do they have enough $ that they dont need both? If thats the case y post 7x a week?
berryberry's Avatar
Two differently oriented sites

Here you get much more of a guys perspective, real reviews, etc. Plus providers can only post ads once a week here so no reason for them to visit all the time. Females here can not read the ROS in the reviews and are prohibited from posting in review threads

On TOS, it was started by a pimp and some women because they thought the previous go to board in Pittsburgh, ASPD, was tilted more towards hobbyists than to providers. So they created TOS and made it slanted to providers. Naturally the providers flocked there. They can post ads once a day, twice if they are vouched (once in vouched ads, once in unvouched ads). There are female mods who can read ever post even in the guys room and backchannel info. Females there can read and comment on every review so typically you just see fairy tale positive reviews because when some monger has posted a bad review they are ganged up on and it turns into a shitshow - so the reviews there have become virtually useless.

As to why providers don't hang out here - well they need a thicker skin if they do. Jinny is the rarity. I applaud Nikki for her efforts here. But it is just easier for them to hang out on TOS given they can post daily ads and the environment is tilted towards providers rather than hobbyists.

Just depends on what you are looking for. I personally don't need a bunch of threads chatting about who knows what with providers like some do on TOS. So i don't care that many are not here posting (although I do admit I enjoy Jinny's perspective - but Jinny is quite unique). I find the value in real reviews, real hofo and educated mongers who can find and report on options you don't see at TOS. If you rely on TOS, you will find no reviews and minimal hofo of anyone who is not on TOS (and the reviews you do find are fluff). That cuts out a huge percentage of the options available
  • Dlh
  • 07-09-2017, 02:46 PM
Hey thanks. I understood how both systems work. But i was unaware the reasoning behind all the good storys over there. Sounds right if you say something shitty but true and the girls dont wanna here it they run their gums... I like it here. Just some people are assclowns.... over there pisses me off cuz you hook up with one of the girls and u pay them to more then you should and u still get a red square. I played the game and am not the type to press it to much. ..
Yes i know why they have the color system
tatasddd's Avatar
Yes the differences are extremely wide but the reason why women do not post here is because of the so called square vouch system TOS has, which is not a great, but is some level of protection for them. If TOS was to shut down, which can happen any time, should authorities decide that, all those women would jump on here like flies on fresh out of an ass shit in the middle of a street. Also, it is to be noted that the number of providers on TOS is NOT anywhere near what it once was. It hardly fills a page a day with ads from the same old bags.
  • Dlh
  • 07-09-2017, 03:27 PM
I think tos has had a few court days. And has lives to tell the tale.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Speaking only for myself I'm on both as much as I remember to be.
I used to logging into ECCIE more than Indys. I also tour a lot more places that ECCIE is more popular for than Indys might be. I should probably change that since I plan to visit Pittsburgh, Scranton, Harrisburg and such more often.
NikkiLuv92's Avatar
If you are referring to me the Nikki you both referred to-- Thank you for the acknowledgement & I do try my best!
loneshark's Avatar
I think tos has had a few court days. And has lives to tell the tale. Originally Posted by Dlh

I though you said you just joined TOS.
  • Dlh
  • 07-11-2017, 08:53 AM
I though you said you just joined TOS. Originally Posted by loneshark
Yes. But like anything else i do a lil checking..