Porn addiction causing ED ?

Lumpy Rutherford's Avatar
I was clicking around the web and ran across a forum where guys used the term "PIED symptoms". I never heard the term so did some more clicking. The term means porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

Mmm, yeah. I heard there was a link between too much porn and not being able to become aroused by normal stimuli. This young man's video is about 12 minutes long but gives a pretty good and logical explanation of it. He also says that abstaining from porn will get your brain back to normal but for him it took about nine months.

If you think you have a porn problem, this is definitely worth the time to watch.
pyramider's Avatar
What a crock!
I havent watched thr OP's link but this TED talk goes into a little more detail on how porn addiction works against us.

TED - Porn Addiction
Hercules's Avatar
But spanking the monkey to the little mermaid seems so wrong...
Batman's Avatar
But spanking the monkey to the little mermaid seems so wrong... Originally Posted by Hercules
Any port in a storm!