Biden's Job Approval Hits All Time New Low

NiceGuy53's Avatar
Biden's job approval has hit an all-time new low in the RCP Average Job Approval Rating with just 39.7% approval and 55.0% disapproval. This is not just one poll but an average of all the major polls taken in the last 3 weeks. The 2022 Congressional elections are looking like a real blood bath for Biden and the democrats.
Precious_b's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
it's not Biden that is the failure, it's the Democratic socialist agenda Biden is robot-signing into effect that is the failure.
I tried to tell them. But noooooooooo, they thought Biden was the next best thing. America is going to speak very,and I mean very-loudly in the midterms. I can't wait!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
unsatisfying? whadayamean unsatisfying?

it should be a satisfying I told you so!
... Blimey! ... Where's Vita to dispute these Facts??

### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
This post headline is going to be useful for quite a while I suspect... until they 25th him.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Biden's job approval has hit an all-time new low in the RCP Average Job Approval Rating with just 39.7% approval and 55.0% disapproval. This is not just one poll but an average of all the major polls taken in the last 3 weeks. The 2022 Congressional elections are looking like a real blood bath for Biden and the democrats. .. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Funny thing about this OP is that you could republish every day and it will still be factually correct.
... Hmmmm... UNDISPUTED TRUTH! ...

Biden's LOW Approval.

### Salty