Paul Krugman Goes Off the Rails, Hits New Low....

lustylad's Avatar
Anyone see his NYT column yesterday?

He is the poster child for why our politics are so broken and civility has vanished from our discourse.

What's truly scary is how 98% of NYT commenters applaud his snarky and disgusting smears against all Republicans.

He has done this before too. If you recall, when Gabby Giffords was shot in 2011 he posted a NYT column online within an hour (before the facts were known) blaming the whole thing on Republicans.

Krugman actually welcomes and delights in tragedies like these. He thinks they give him license to smear Republicans.

If the Nobel Prize Committee had any integrity, they would take back his award. He is no longer a legitimate economist, if he ever was. He is just a pathetic, deranged political hack.

Here is how one commentator summed up Krugman's latest cringe-inducing rant:

"This latest batch of absurd, bad-faith smears reveals what we already knew about Krugman: He just can’t accept the fact that millions of well-intentioned, intelligent people disagree with him on complex matters of public policy and politics. The liberal economist thinks anyone who disagrees with him is both racist and bought off, such a sell-out that they value conservative economic policy over the lives of their fellow Americans.

Krugman’s worldview is, at its core, deranged
bambino's Avatar
Why read his bullshit? Was he ever right?
  • Tiny
  • 08-07-2019, 01:11 PM
The guy's got a Nobel Prize but appears incapable of independent thinking. All his positions are in lockstep with his party. This is a new low though -- most Republicans are racists and Trump has done more to promote racial violence than anyone since the founder of the Ku Klux Klan.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
A few things.

As a trumpy, you have yet to criticize any of his policies.
As a trumpy you go into attack mode whenever someone points out what a lying cocksucker trump is.
As a trumpy you exemplify little bb's statement (paraphrased)
"If you condone it you own it."

As usual you attack the person while putting the tiniest of scratches in the content.
Freshly back from a banning, you can't wait to make up for lost time.

Spew forth my frothy friend. Trumpys are starving for your fresh fake content.
Anyone see his NYT column yesterday?

He is the poster child for why our politics are so broken and civility has vanished from our discourse.

What's truly scary is how 98% of NYT commenters applaud his snarky and disgusting smears against all Republicans.

He has done this before too. If you recall, when Gabby Giffords was shot in 2011 he posted a NYT column online within an hour (before the facts were known) blaming the whole thing on Republicans.

Krugman actually welcomes and delights in tragedies like these. He thinks they give him license to smear Republicans.

If the Nobel Prize Committee had any integrity, they would take back his award. He is no longer a legitimate economist, if he ever was. He is just a pathetic, deranged political hack.

Here is how one commentator summed up Krugman's latest cringe-inducing rant:

"This latest batch of absurd, bad-faith smears reveals what we already knew about Krugman: He just can’t accept the fact that millions of well-intentioned, intelligent people disagree with him on complex matters of public policy and politics. The liberal economist thinks anyone who disagrees with him is both racist and bought off, such a sell-out that they value conservative economic policy over the lives of their fellow Americans.

Krugman’s worldview is, at its core, deranged
." Originally Posted by lustylad
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Krugman is a ghoul that feeds on the dead and the misery around them. There are notable ghouls on this site and on the democratic debate stage. You will know them by their dead eyes and fetid breath.
  • Tiny
  • 08-07-2019, 01:37 PM
A few things.

As a trumpy, you have yet to criticize any of his policies.
As a trumpy you go into attack mode whenever someone points out what a lying cocksucker trump is.
As a trumpy you exemplify little bb's statement (paraphrased)
"If you condone it you own it."

As usual you attack the person while putting the tiniest of scratches in the content.
Freshly back from a banning, you can't wait to make up for lost time.

Spew forth my frothy friend. Trumpys are starving for your fresh fake content.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I've been as critical of Trump on some issues as anyone here. But did you read the column? The thesis is that the Republican Party is systematically enabling right wing terrorism. He doesn't quite say it, but Krugman appears to think Trump and Republicans would go on a genocidal rampage, like the Hutus who hacked the Tutsis to death in Rwanda, given half a chance. The article is over the top.
Hotrod511's Avatar
I've been as critical of Trump on some issues as anyone here. But did you read the column? The thesis is that the Republican Party is systematically enabling right wing terrorism. He doesn't quite say it, but Krugman appears to think Trump and Republicans would go on a genocidal rampage, like the Hutus who hacked the Tutsis to death in Rwanda, given half a chance. The article is over the top. Originally Posted by Tiny
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"The central story of U.S. politics since the 1970s is the takeover of the Republican Party by economic radicals, determined to slash taxes for the wealthy while undermining the social safety net"

this from a guy who advocates radical spending on .. everything. for everything. yeah .. that will fix .. everything. not.

A few things.

As a trumpy, you have yet to criticize any of his policies.
As a trumpy you go into attack mode whenever someone points out what a lying cocksucker trump is.
As a trumpy you exemplify little bb's statement (paraphrased)
"If you condone it you own it."

As usual you attack the person while putting the tiniest of scratches in the content.
Freshly back from a banning, you can't wait to make up for lost time.

Spew forth my frothy friend. Trumpys are starving for your fresh fake content.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You shoot your mouth off all the time and when you're called out you run...typical!!
Down goes MUNCHY,down goes MUNHY.down goes MUNCHY!!
Go back to's what you're best at.
lustylad's Avatar
Why read his bullshit? Was he ever right? Originally Posted by bambino
As someone who studied economics, I'm curious to figure out how he went so bad. Economics is grounded in rational principles. We assume rational behavior and develop models to maximize different variables based on those underlying assumptions. So when a Nobel laureate economist can't stop his emotional biases from overpowering any semblance of rational thinking, it's hard to look away. Like a train wreck.

But maybe I'm being too harsh. Krugman is right sometimes, when the topic is his cats.

On economics and politics... NOT!

lustylad's Avatar
A few things.

As a trumpy, you have yet to criticize any of his policies.
As a trumpy you go into attack mode whenever someone points out what a lying cocksucker trump is.
As a trumpy you exemplify little bb's statement (paraphrased)
"If you condone it you own it."

As usual you attack the person while putting the tiniest of scratches in the content.
Freshly back from a banning, you can't wait to make up for lost time.

Spew forth my frothy friend. Trumpys are starving for your fresh fake content.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Awwww gee, munchy... did I miss your post? Sounds like you were spoiling for a fight again. Isn't Paul Krugman way above your pay grade?

Fyi - I criticize trumpy all the time. Perhaps nuances don't register with you. As a trump-hater, you have yet to criticize trumpy for anything he deserves. You're too busy scouring WaPo/Politifact as they fly-speck all the petty stuff he puts out to distract you.

Here's a line from Krugman's column... what say you and your Poltifact pals?

"...the Republican Party decided that a few massacres were an acceptable price to pay in return for tax cuts."

How does that whopper measure on your trusty Truth-o-meter, munchy? Is it worthy of a Nobel laureate?

Remember - "If you condone it you own it!"
lustylad's Avatar
I've been as critical of Trump on some issues as anyone here. But did you read the column? The thesis is that the Republican Party is systematically enabling right wing terrorism. He doesn't quite say it, but Krugman appears to think Trump and Republicans would go on a genocidal rampage, like the Hutus who hacked the Tutsis to death in Rwanda, given half a chance. The article is over the top. Originally Posted by Tiny
Munchy didn't read the column.

And Krugman says it right out of the starting gate:

"Why has the Republican Party become a systematic enabler of terrorism?"

Pretty pathetic. It's called begging the question. Any 15-year-old debater can recognize it as a cheap-shot logical fallacy rhetorical device.

Kinda like asking "why do you beat your wife?"

Or "how long have you enjoyed being a cocksucker?"

That last one earns double credit since it begs 2 questions - 1) you are a cocksucker and 2) you enjoy it.
As someone who studied economics, I'm curious to figure out how he went so bad. Economics is grounded in rational principles. We assume rational behavior and develop models to maximize different variables based on those underlying assumptions. So when a Nobel laureate economist can't stop his emotional biases from overpowering any semblance of rational thinking, it's hard to look away. Like a train wreck.

But maybe I'm being too harsh. Krugman is right sometimes, when the topic is his cats.

On economics and politics... NOT!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Marxism is fundamentally economics. It is also the basis for Krugman's view of the world. The fact that Krugman, along with Jimmy Carter(who used access to food supplies as a weapon in peacetime), and Obama received Nobel prizes is a stain on that organization.

Capitalist economics is bases on science and rationale bases. The rest of the economic constructs, not so much.
themystic's Avatar
Marxism is fundamentally economics. It is also the basis for Krugman's view of the world. The fact that Krugman, along with Jimmy Carter(who used access to food supplies as a weapon in peacetime), and Obama received Nobel prizes is a stain on that organization.

Capitalist economics is bases on science and rationale bases. The rest of the economic constructs, not so much. Originally Posted by kehaar
True capitalists pay their bills and don't hide behind bankruptcy 6 times. Trump is a stain on human decency
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Marxism is fundamentally economics. It is also the basis for Krugman's view of the world. The fact that Krugman, along with Jimmy Carter(who used access to food supplies as a weapon in peacetime), and Obama received Nobel prizes is a stain on that organization.

Capitalist economics is bases on science and rationale bases. The rest of the economic constructs, not so much. Originally Posted by kehaar

But .. look at all of the successful socialist economies ... oh wait