Template Websites vs Custom Websites?

Hey Sweet World!

I have been wanting to do a website lately, now that I have some pictures done and some new photo shots coming. But I have been lurking the forums about template escort websites and designers that create custom websites. I really wanted to get everyone's opinions/suggestions on what their experience has been with both solutions?

Right now, I'm leaning towards http://www.cuties-tools.com

Before I make the plunge, I wanted to see what everyone else thought about it. Or if anyone else is using Cuties-Tools? Likes and Dislikes?

ben dover's Avatar
As a website designer (and photographer) i'm not a fan of template sites of course. My thoughts are if you're just starting out it's a way to get a site up quick but if you want to be around for the long haul and attract higher end clients go with a pro site with pro photos and change them every couple months. And when I say pro photos i'm not talking about some that are photoshopped to death just good clear shots. You have some very nice shots in your showcase! ...BD
As a website designer (and photographer) i'm not a fan of template sites of course. My thoughts are if you're just starting out it's a way to get a site up quick but if you want to be around for the long haul and attract higher end clients go with a pro site with pro photos and change them every couple months. And when I say pro photos i'm not talking about some that are photoshopped to death just good clear shots. You have some very nice shots in your showcase! ...BD Originally Posted by ben dover

Can you name some of the pro site?

Custom web sites and template web sites are valuable in different aspects. If you're technically savvy, see yourself wanting to update your site often, have the time to learn a program and time to build your site, a template site may be perfect for you. This will allow you to make your own updates and not have to pay a designer to maintain them for you.

If you're not tech savvy , don't really have the time to build your site and want a more unique look, then a custom built site may be what you're looking for.

Traditionally, custom built sites cost a lot more than template sites however, if you have to pay a monthly fee in the end it may not be the most cost effective option.

Honestly, I think it really boils down to how much time you want to spend working on your site. Do you have the time and patience to do the work or would you rather give someone your content and let them handle it.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Websites are critical in establishing your legitimacy. I cannot stress that enough. Plus your site will be your best advertising tool. Think of it as your "infomercial" with the sole goal of promoting YOU and not the aims of any secondary site where you may be only a member with a profile, not an owner with supreme control of content.

I recently set up my new site on Wix.com, which was a huge investment of time and effort. There's a really wide variety to choose from for a basic template, but SO much you can do to customize it and make it your own, completely original-looking corner of the web. Yes, you can get a free site, but if you pay a monthly, quarterly, or yearly fee, you'll get a much better webpage with actual customer service, not always very speedy if you have a problem on a free site.

My site is very active: I make use of the animation options, change at least the main photos frequently (as ben dover advises), share what I have or will be up to (as opposed to who I've had up), advertise website-only specials on my rates page, have a funny blog, keep my calendar scrupulously updated and insert calendar-only specials. (One of the things gentlemen will greatly appreciate is your calendar IF you ALWAYS keep it current! Too many ladies don't bother to even fill in the blanks.) All this helps draw people in to see what's new.

If you don't have time to get one up and running and keep up the maintenance, try MagnificMedia. Search for their ad in this section. (And no, I'm not affiliated with them. I'm much too anal - but not in the Greek way - and prideful to let go any creative control of my own site, which takes enough of my attention, so I can see where having someone else who knows what they're doing set one up for you and keep it fresh is practical if you don't have the time, patience, or technical chutzpah to plod through the tediousness.)

Another note: Wix and similar companies host sites in every category and will get you on the search engines fast, VERY important! Pprovider-only places like Cuties (although I have to say after a brief perusal they look pretty decent) or Escortsite.com or the old Rare Escorts I formerly used can be limited in exposure (no pun intended) and frequently banned by certain advertising venues. Backpage, for one example, is imposing stricter rules on acceptable sites they'll allow you to publish.

DO NOT put words like "escort" or "courtesan" in your web address unless you want to set yourself up for problems.

Above all, pay for your OWN domain name! That really shows you are committed to being professional and around a while, and separates you from the herd.
This is all great information, thanks so much! I am still leaning towards getting a template website only because I am not very computer savvy. So I am having to learn alot right now, but have no problems using a template with my own photos and information on it. But I would agree, that its important that I have good photos and my own domain name. I think I know what route, I am going to take! Thanks so much everyone! It was very helpful! SWEET!
There is no cut and dry answer here, it is all about what works for you and what are you are looking for in return. Most people pitch what they are selling.. I've seen many template sites that look better than other custom sites and vice versa.

You need to establish exactly what purpose you want the site to have. Is it for existing clients to see updated info, potential clients to find links to from boards and just get the details they need, are you trying to find new clients through search engines? There are a lot of options and each changes your needs. One thing I will say is monthly plans are a rip off most of the time, I would never use one unless you are constantly updating and you would just prefer to pay rather than do it yourself. Using a pre-made theme it should take you no more time to add content than it would to do a facebook post, when having a custom built them having something coded for you to add your own updates taking a similar amount of time should be a $50-100 add-on or included in the price depending on the details of the site.

Even if you use a subdomain setup to one of these cookie cutter offerings you can purchase a domain and point the DNS to it, not a route I would want to go but it's possible if the web provider doesn't offer a better option.
Also, vistaprint has a really awesome package for about $20/month. You can design it and change it up yourself too. You can set up a domain with them if you need to as well.
Custom websites are usually for people who have something very specific in mind, or who want something 'unique' - to be able to say that no one else's site is exactly like theirs. Ideally you get more choices, more development time, and can go back and forth with previews until everything is just-so.

I offer 'semi' custom websites and when clients ask me this same question, I usually suggest that they take the extra money they would have spent on a custom site, and just do extra advertising for a full month. Especially if they're just getting started.

By the way, kudos for doing your research first, and asking for feedback from other users, rather than just basing your decision on what's on the company's site ;-)
Soonerman12's Avatar
Hey Sweet World!

I have been wanting to do a website lately, now that I have some pictures done and some new photo shots coming. But I have been lurking the forums about template escort websites and designers that create custom websites. I really wanted to get everyone's opinions/suggestions on what their experience has been with both solutions?

Right now, I'm leaning towards http://www.cuties-tools.com

Before I make the plunge, I wanted to see what everyone else thought about it. Or if anyone else is using Cuties-Tools? Likes and Dislikes?

RHiANNON - XOX!!! Originally Posted by RHiANNON
Using a template site, CMS, or Website builder would be the best option. The tool that you mentioned has been around for years and is highly reviewed.. Within time, you can learn how to expand the template site if you desire. But truthfully, the scope of a website project needs to match business requirements. This sort of website doesn't have the complexity or requirements of a business website. I'd use the website builder, pay $2.00 a month for hosting, $14.00 for a two year domain name and move on.
I'm a web designer and I agree with the other developer: a custom site is more professional than a template site. I'm very interested in building sites for providers and haven't had the opportunity yet. If anyone is in Upstate NY and interested in a site, feel free to contact me and we can work something out.
The trick, and challenge, is the blend of being able to make it work easy after the design and site launch. Template sites are okay for the first couple of months while you iron out what you want on the site to finally look like. The trick is making the system work for you. Get with a designer that you can trust and move from there - but definitely lend it your look, your brand voice, and establish yourself with it.

End of the day, a template site will not get what you need - it will only get you so far. You are your brand in this business, and you need the flexibility and power that doing your own site can give you.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Anything custom is better.

You can take a pic with your Cell phone or a photograph with a pro