Wow this is unreal! GO CHECK IT OUT!!!

Omg I just came across one of the strangest, hypocrytical websites I have ever seen, after reading a post in the national ladies lounge. EVERYONE SHOULD go check this out, at the very least it will provide you a REALLY good laugh!! It is called Whores of Babylon, seriously it is just UNBELIEVABLE.
Ali, when I googled "whortes of babylon" I got about 90,000 results... but I saw one in particular. Are you talking about www dot whoresofbabylon dot com? if so, I agree, these people are nuts.
And they obviously get their rocks off looking at providers' pages....
Big Smoothie's Avatar
Omg I just came across one of the strangest, hypocrytical websites I have ever seen Originally Posted by ali*cat
I agree totally! So much in fact that I wrote them a little letter, that letter is as follows.

To whom it may concern,
I stumbled onto your site and was instantly horrified at the amount of hypocrisy so blatantly thrown around. I thought a major part of Christianity was to witness to and help people who have gone astray, seems to me this site is less focused on spreading the word of God and more about attacking people that have a lifestyle that you disagree with. I have read some of the responses that you have gotten from your victim's and I need to correct them. Some have blamed you of 'Hate", I don't believe you hate these ladies, no, I believe you are guilty of much worse, Judgement. Everyone has the right to hate anyone but, no one has the right to judge anyone. Because you like quoting scripture to whom you deem "whoremongers and fornicators" I will leave you with a few to think about.

"Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" Matthew 7:1

"Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone" John 8:7

Good luck in your crusade of judgement,
Nice one, Big.

You left out one of Jesus' most devoted (Mary Magdelane) would likely be considered an "escort" in today's society...

Just sayin'

Big Smoothie's Avatar
Good point Huck, if i get a response ill throw that in.