Thanks for making my family's Christmas GREAT

Guest031213-03's Avatar
Hi everyone! I would just like to give a very special and warm thanks to the guys that have came out to see me since I've joined Eccie. I know it's not easy deciding which beautiful lady to see and it's often not easy picking the "new" girl but I hope that I've made you proud of your decision to spend your time with me. I was worrying so much about how I would provide my family with a so so christmas and thanks to the guys of Eccie, I've been able to give them a GREAT christmas. I'm almost in tears now as I write this. Thanks so much fellows. It is soooooo greatly aprreciated.
Have a safe and Happy Christmas, Valerie.

Merry Christmas, Ms. Valerie, hobbyist neglect to be mindful that many ladies in industry labor to support children alone and most often troubles due to disappointing experience with masculine gender. In reading honorable ladies postings have observe concern not only for customer but as well most touching regard for offspring. It is regrettable that places of residence so inconveniently removed. Hope in future paths may cross, and business conducted to assist both lowly self and much esteemed young ones.
Guest031213-03's Avatar
Thanks so much and I hope everyone's Christmas is a very merry one.