Knock off the partisan bullshit - you’re better than that, right?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can speak out against this horrible act of aggression without losing your Junior Tucker card. Nobody will call you a pussy or a lefty…we’ll, maybe not a lefty!

This is so much bigger than emulating Trump.

He will never admit it, but anybody who’s lived on this planet since the times of Cold War should stop playing games and stand for democracy.

What is Trump’s ego versus the lives of thousands?

Not asking him — we ALL know the answer — asking YOU!

Knock off the ugly partisanship as Ukraine hangs in the balance. We all deserve better.
Vladimir Putin is an unspeakably horrible person, and any American who admires him over Biden needs get over their cultish adherence to our own political divisions.

Former President Donald Trump praised his old pal Putin as “very savvy.”
Tucker Carlson asked on his Fox News show why Americans like him should “hate Putin so much.”
Are people really going to let political hatred put them on Putin’s side?
As President Joe Biden called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a “flagrant violation of international law” and announced initial economic sanctions, Americans of all political persuasions united in support of a democratic nation under attack and …HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!

Sorry, I couldn’t quite make it through that line. Americans certainly should unite to support the people of Ukraine as they stand – David-vs.-Goliath-like – against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his military.

But c’mon, have you met America? If we tried to unite around the slogan “Ice Cream Sundaes Are Delicious!”, half the country would rise up in anger and scream: “These godless monsters are trying to cancel cake!!”

So, predictably, the national reaction to Russia’s invasion has ranged from “President Biden and our NATO allies are taking the strong, sensible steps necessary” to “Meh, I’m kinda with Putin on this one,” a fact that likely has former Republican President Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave fast enough to power half of Southern California.

Interviewed on a conservative podcast Tuesday, former President Donald Trump opted not to root for democracy, instead praising his old pal Putin as “very savvy.”

President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018.
“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius,’ ” said Trump, founder of the Murderous Dictator Admiration Society’s Mar-a-Lago chapter. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. So Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ ”

Russian aggression likely to result in the deaths of many – so smart!

Let's remember who Putin is

Not to be outdone, the House Republican Conference, in lieu of voicing support for Ukrainians, tweeted a photo of Biden walking away from the Tuesday news conference, where he announced sanctions on Russia. The GOP’s photo caption read: “This is what weakness on the world stage looks like.”

Because apparently a real he-man leader would walk away from the podium backwards, never losing eye contact with the press, exiting the room slowly and menacingly, careful not to trip over anything. I guess.

Russian troops invaded Ukraine. Sanctions are in place. What happens next?

Noted autocrat admirer and hero of the perpetually aggrieved Tucker Carlson spent part of his Tuesday evening Fox News show asking why Americans like him should “hate Putin so much.”

“Has Putin ever called me a racist?” Carlson mewled, with the look of a man who was never properly disciplined as a child. “Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?”

Notably absent from that series of questions was: Has he murdered someone with the deadly radioactive compound polonium-210? Has he had his henchman push someone out a window? Has he rigged elections or jailed opposition leaders or silenced journalists?

Praising or making excuses for dictators and trolling our own leaders when a conflict that could destabilize Europe is looming seems like odd behavior for a country that has long fancied itself a shining beacon of democracy. But that’s kind of where we’re at. Big news breaks and gets quickly assessed with an eye toward, “How can I yell at people on the other side about this?”

And yes, it happens on both sides of the political aisle, but what we’re seeing right now – so-called America-first Republicans slagging the sitting president while carrying Putin’s water – is particularly … how can I say this? … not good.

And it’s not coming from just a handful of loudmouths. A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll found 62% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents consider Putin a stronger leader than Biden. Back in 2018, a Gallup poll showed the number of Republicans who considered Russia an ally rose to 40% from 22% four years earlier.

There’s a good chunk of the population that has grown increasingly authoritarian-curious, and if you think that’s no big deal, I suggest asking the extremely nervous people of Ukraine for their thoughts on the subject.

Vladimir Putin is an unspeakably horrible person, and any American who admires him over Biden needs to tend the muck puddle that is their inner garden and get over their cultish adherence to our own political divisions.

The crystal is clear on this one, folks

Russia attempting to devour Ukraine is a global crisis and an assault on democracy, and it should scare the peas and carrots out of us all. The people of Ukraine deserve to have people in a country like ours united in support of them, not hurling dopey Twitter insults at our own leaders and saying things akin to, “Look, I mean … Putin didn’t murder me with a radioactive poison, you know? So, like, why should I hate him? He’s tough and takes power and holds onto it so tight and OH GOD I WISH WAS HIM!”

We don’t have to all get along. We don’t even have to agree on much. And I know full well folks aligned with my way of thinking, and I myself, have pounced on news and barked about it like partisan guard dogs.

But on this matter right now, with lives quite literally hanging in the balance and the security of our European allies being threatened, do we really have to do the barking and the yelling thing?

Are people really going to let political hatred and a thirst for the next sick anti-Biden Twitter burn put them on Putin’s side?

It may not always be clear where the right side of history is, but in this case, and in this moment, it’s clearer than crystal where it’s not.
... Yet another stupid long-winded post from Yssup.

That lacks the most basic facts of the situation.

Biden is a frail old man - who GAVE Putin his power.
Plain and simple.

Really aint no surprise that Putin is pushing his hand.
He got a daft easy-mark with Biden... Germany and the
other nations don't wanna lose their energy, so Putin
surely gets his way... How they gonna stop him?

Trump had Putin under control... Could shut off Russia's money
quickly, but now thanks to Biden permitting the pipeline,
Putin and Russia get rich selling energy.

How nice.

#### Salty
Honestly, the retards are not better than that. Cornnuts Salty wacko Bambi Levi Why Yes etc are completely retarded they can’t help themselves. Lack of critical thinking skills, fact free assertions, conspiracy theories, etc. just show how dumb they really are.

It’s one thing to be partisan but when it gets to pretzel twisting to a ridiculous level, it’s not even laughable anymore.

Anytime I have to at least admit Dilbert has a clue you know the retards have gone off a cliff.
... Hmmmm... and THAT may be.

... But the Grand thing about the forum is that it's VOLUNTARY.

You need-not choose to participate if you don't wanna.

And name-calling there be-gets other name-callings.
Surely learned that from watching Batman and the Riddler.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...It may not always be clear where the right side of history is, but in this case, and in this moment, it’s clearer than crystal where it’s not. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
She is fond of rewriting or ignoring history too. Do more reading. Here's a common goal we can all agree to easily: Let us not turn the whole world in to a giant glass ashtray.

... Hmmmm... and THAT may be.

... But the Grand thing about the forum is that it's VOLUNTARY.

. . .

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I commend you for acknowledging the possibility that you and the others are clueless retards. I fully agree.
VitaMan's Avatar
Salty is way off here. His hatred for Biden has completely blinded him.

Trump had many chances to stop the progress of the gas pipelines to Germany.

And did not.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Salty is way off here. His hatred for Biden has completely blinded him.

Trump had many chances to stop the progress of the gas pipelines to Germany.

And did not. Originally Posted by VitaMan
you sure about that?

Nord Stream 2: Trump approves sanctions on Russia gas pipeline

President Donald Trump has signed a law that will impose sanctions on any firm that helps Russia's state-owned gas company, Gazprom, finish a pipeline into the European Union.

The sanctions target firms building Nord Stream 2, an undersea pipeline that will allow Russia to increase gas exports to Germany.

The US considers the project a security risk to Europe.

Both Russia and the EU have strongly condemned the US sanctions.

Congress voted through the measures as part of a defence bill last week and the legislation, which described the pipeline as a "tool of coercion", was signed off by Mr Trump on Friday.

Why is the US against the pipeline?

The almost $11bn (£8.4bn) Nord Stream 2 project has infuriated the US, with both Republican and Democratic lawmakers opposing it

The Trump administration fears the pipeline will tighten Russia's grip over Europe's energy supply and reduce its own share of the lucrative European market for American liquefied natural gas.

President Trump has said the 1,225km (760-mile) pipeline, owned by Russia's Gazprom, could turn Germany into a "hostage of Russia".

The US sanctions have angered Russia and the European Union, which says it should be able to decide its own energy policies.

Earlier this week German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was "opposed to extraterritorial sanctions" against the Nord Stream 2 project.
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump never stopped the pipeline.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump never stopped the pipeline. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Trump couldn't stop the pipeline. sanctions were all that could be done unless you'd want him to invade Germany to stop it? stop dumb posting.

who ended the sanctions?
VitaMan's Avatar
The pipeline was constructed and virtually completed during the Trump administration.

Now the Republicans are complaining the sanctions on Russia are too weak.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The pipeline was constructed and virtually completed during the Trump administration.

Now the Republicans are complaining the sanctions on Russia are too weak. Originally Posted by VitaMan

they aren't. Biden hasn't gone far enough.

does he have to balls to do so?
You can speak out against this horrible act of aggression without losing your Junior Tucker card. Nobody will call you a pussy or a lefty…we’ll, maybe not a lefty!

This is so much bigger than emulating Trump.

He will never admit it, but anybody who’s lived on this planet since the times of Cold War should stop playing games and stand for democracy.

What is Trump’s ego versus the lives of thousands?

Not asking him — we ALL know the answer — asking YOU!

Knock off the ugly partisanship as Ukraine hangs in the balance. We all deserve better.
Vladimir Putin is an unspeakably horrible person, and any American who admires him over Biden needs get over their cultish adherence to our own political divisions.

Former President Donald Trump praised his old pal Putin as “very savvy.”
Tucker Carlson asked on his Fox News show why Americans like him should “hate Putin so much.”
Are people really going to let political hatred put them on Putin’s side?
As President Joe Biden called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a “flagrant violation of international law” and announced initial economic sanctions, Americans of all political persuasions united in support of a democratic nation under attack and …HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!

Sorry, I couldn’t quite make it through that line. Americans certainly should unite to support the people of Ukraine as they stand – David-vs.-Goliath-like – against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his military.

But c’mon, have you met America? If we tried to unite around the slogan “Ice Cream Sundaes Are Delicious!”, half the country would rise up in anger and scream: “These godless monsters are trying to cancel cake!!”

So, predictably, the national reaction to Russia’s invasion has ranged from “President Biden and our NATO allies are taking the strong, sensible steps necessary” to “Meh, I’m kinda with Putin on this one,” a fact that likely has former Republican President Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave fast enough to power half of Southern California.

Interviewed on a conservative podcast Tuesday, former President Donald Trump opted not to root for democracy, instead praising his old pal Putin as “very savvy.”

President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018.
“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius,’ ” said Trump, founder of the Murderous Dictator Admiration Society’s Mar-a-Lago chapter. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. So Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ ”

Russian aggression likely to result in the deaths of many – so smart!

Let's remember who Putin is

Not to be outdone, the House Republican Conference, in lieu of voicing support for Ukrainians, tweeted a photo of Biden walking away from the Tuesday news conference, where he announced sanctions on Russia. The GOP’s photo caption read: “This is what weakness on the world stage looks like.”

Because apparently a real he-man leader would walk away from the podium backwards, never losing eye contact with the press, exiting the room slowly and menacingly, careful not to trip over anything. I guess.

Russian troops invaded Ukraine. Sanctions are in place. What happens next?

Noted autocrat admirer and hero of the perpetually aggrieved Tucker Carlson spent part of his Tuesday evening Fox News show asking why Americans like him should “hate Putin so much.”

“Has Putin ever called me a racist?” Carlson mewled, with the look of a man who was never properly disciplined as a child. “Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?”

Notably absent from that series of questions was: Has he murdered someone with the deadly radioactive compound polonium-210? Has he had his henchman push someone out a window? Has he rigged elections or jailed opposition leaders or silenced journalists?

Praising or making excuses for dictators and trolling our own leaders when a conflict that could destabilize Europe is looming seems like odd behavior for a country that has long fancied itself a shining beacon of democracy. But that’s kind of where we’re at. Big news breaks and gets quickly assessed with an eye toward, “How can I yell at people on the other side about this?”

And yes, it happens on both sides of the political aisle, but what we’re seeing right now – so-called America-first Republicans slagging the sitting president while carrying Putin’s water – is particularly … how can I say this? … not good.

And it’s not coming from just a handful of loudmouths. A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll found 62% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents consider Putin a stronger leader than Biden. Back in 2018, a Gallup poll showed the number of Republicans who considered Russia an ally rose to 40% from 22% four years earlier.

There’s a good chunk of the population that has grown increasingly authoritarian-curious, and if you think that’s no big deal, I suggest asking the extremely nervous people of Ukraine for their thoughts on the subject.

Vladimir Putin is an unspeakably horrible person, and any American who admires him over Biden needs to tend the muck puddle that is their inner garden and get over their cultish adherence to our own political divisions.

The crystal is clear on this one, folks

Russia attempting to devour Ukraine is a global crisis and an assault on democracy, and it should scare the peas and carrots out of us all. The people of Ukraine deserve to have people in a country like ours united in support of them, not hurling dopey Twitter insults at our own leaders and saying things akin to, “Look, I mean … Putin didn’t murder me with a radioactive poison, you know? So, like, why should I hate him? He’s tough and takes power and holds onto it so tight and OH GOD I WISH WAS HIM!”

We don’t have to all get along. We don’t even have to agree on much. And I know full well folks aligned with my way of thinking, and I myself, have pounced on news and barked about it like partisan guard dogs.

But on this matter right now, with lives quite literally hanging in the balance and the security of our European allies being threatened, do we really have to do the barking and the yelling thing?

Are people really going to let political hatred and a thirst for the next sick anti-Biden Twitter burn put them on Putin’s side?

It may not always be clear where the right side of history is, but in this case, and in this moment, it’s clearer than crystal where it’s not. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nobody in their right mind should admire Putin, but Biden isn't anything special either. After all Biden gave Putin some leverage by shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. It takes money to run a War and by America purchasing Oil from a Communist Country like Russia is a big dam risk. Putin is an opportunist and Biden gave him the financial opportunity to invade Ukraine. This crisis will get far worse before it gets better.
matchingmole's Avatar
they aren't. Biden hasn't gone far enough.

does he have to balls to do so? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If the sanctions don't work...Biden should send Greg Abbot to Russia to manage their power grid.....
VitaMan's Avatar
they aren't. Biden hasn't gone far enough.

does he have to balls to do so? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump didn't go far enough with his sanctions.

Maybe Biden and the West will.