So long and thanks for all the fish! Officially RETIRED June 1st!

Hello, friends =) The time has come for me to move on and I sure have enjoyed myself while in the community and have met some exceptional people along the way. I will be officially retired as of June 1st. I will miss many of you and may pop on every now and again to see what's going on and say "hello". Ladies-I will do my best to still be available to return reference requests. Many thanks to those of you that have been very kind to me and have shared great moments together.

Lots of Love,

guest031812's Avatar
Congrats girl.. I was here to see you get started and I'm glad you have found another calling Enjoy and keep in touch!!! You will be missed
Congrats I am so very proud of you. You are a very smart girl and cool as hell. Not to mention pretty. Love the haters they better us all in the end!
DVT, congratz and I wish you the best!
gman44's Avatar
I'll miss you sexxxxxxxxxxxy

Take care
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Congrats on your new chapter! I'll miss you doll face.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Good luck to you, sweet lady, my favorite luff-fluff! We shared smiles and... stuff...

Thanks guys =) You are awesome and I am feelin' the love! I'll miss you!
EllaInAustin's Avatar
All the best to you!
rekcaSxT's Avatar

Good luck to ya! It was great hanging out with you at socials, and our one session. I always tell people you are one cool chick.

I hope you are successful at whatever comes next.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Wish you the best of luck......Keep in touch
Congrats to you Devynn! We'll always have The Killers....

I never really gave up on
Breakin' out of this two-star town
I got the green light
I got a little fight
I'm gonna turn this thing around
Can you read my mind?

All my best!

ssm of luck to you sweetness! You're an awesome woman...hope to get to see you at a HH before you go!
Best of luck!

Nice Douglas Adam's we all get a fish bowl?
So long, farewell, au revior, auf weidersehen