ED and the heart

richguy2851's Avatar
I'm writing this in the coed section because it may benefit all who read this. I have just heard some compelling evidence that suggests that erectile dysfunction may be one of the first symptoms of significant heart disease. I can tell you, that looking back in my personal life, this makes sense. If you are experiencing ED, are overweight (eat lots of meat and processed food, and in America, who doesn't), you are running the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Since many of us are using the little blue pill, maybe we ought to be asking ourselves, should we be asking our primary care physicians about our hearts. Again, from experience and inside knowledge (I have a retired chief of cardiology in the family), if you do request a check up, ask for a stress test WITH CONTRAST (a nuclear dye given during the test). A plain stress test is not the gold standard of tests. The problem with asking for that test is that insurance companies tend to reject it unless you say that you have had some chest discomfort (i.e. pain). If you must, stretch the truth in order to control your own health care. Good luck!

Hope this helps somebody.
Good post
Whitenoise's Avatar
Absolutely. If you want more info on this type of thing, read Dr. Jeffry Life's book -- The Life Plan.
If you have a family history of heart disease in your family they will give you the test. I had that stress test done 4 years ago just to rule out any issues, I was surprised the doc even suggested that I have it done, at my age you know? I am not overweight, no diabetes, not middle aged yet, no health issues what so ever but just on family history alone some docs will give you the test. I am happy to report that I have no heart health issue, it tends to run on the male end of the family. But I'm glad I got the test done even if I really didn't think I needed it. It's pretty quick. You may feel "hot" (not that hot guys) for about 20 seconds and then you get this sensation as if your peeing in your pants, LOL. Sorry for the details just trying to be helpful. So like Richguy said, if you have to stretch the truth to get better care, always say you have a family history of something also. Take care of yourself guys and stay on top of your screening.
I have an idea. If I'm winded after an hour with Tatiana, I'll get the heart tested.
pyramider's Avatar
They have those body scans that pick up more than stress tests.
They have those body scans that pick up more than stress tests. Originally Posted by pyramider
Body scan huh!! Hmm i could only think of a few people who I would let scan my body!!
richguy2851's Avatar
The body scan is part of a stress test with contrast. However, it is specific to the heart's anatomy.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
This is part of the reason I was thinking the Vitalikor might be a better answer if it improves circulation rather than blocking enzymes like the 'scrip ED pills do. I'm not big on the herbal voodoo, but I'm even more disgusted with health care professionals and insurance thieves.

Screening and doctors can be great, but health insurance isn't. Whenever I ask questions of the doctor the only result I see is a higher bill. Exercise and eating right, that's a solid formula.

Dick Clark said lots of sex was the key to longevity. That's as good a reason as any for this hobby.
Good info here. When I told my primary doc that my urologist gave me a sample of cialis, he sent me for a stress test before I took the cialis -- for the same reason that ED can be a symptom of heart trouble.