Obama Is Dedicated To Terrorism

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, yes. The right wingers have been out in force lately. First, Tea-Party activist Bill Ayers says Obama should be tried for war crimes, and now that famous conservative author Noam Chomsky says Obama is dedicated to terrorism. Here's the article:

Earlier in the week, friend of President Barack Obama and former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers criticized the President for his foreign-policy initiatives, which Ayers deemed to be terroristic. It’s one thing when a left-wing activist with ties to terror in his own background criticizes Obama; but for anyone who was hesitant to agree with Ayers because of his sordid past, celebrated left-leaning polemicist Noam Chomsky has your back.

In a thorough interview with GRITtv host Laura Flanders, the MIT professor and prolific author said that Obama has not just earned the title of “terrorist” — the President has proven time and again that it is “dedicated to increasing terrorism.”

“The Obama Administration is dedicated to increasing terrorism,” he went on. “In fact, it’s doing it all over the world. Obama, first of all, is running the biggest terrorist operation that exists, maybe in history. The drone assassination campaigns, which are just part of it… All of these operations, they are terror operations.”

Chomsky explained that the Administration’s drone policy is strikingly evident as a multiplier of violent extremism.

“People have a reaction, they don’t say, ‘Fine, I don’t care if my cousin was murdered.’ And they become what we call terrorists,” he said. “This is completely understood from the highest level, that as you carry out these operations you’re generating terrorism.”

Later, echoing a belief that anyone familiar with the foreign policy positions of former Representative Ron Paul has heard before, Chomsky surmised: “People hate the country that’s just terrorizing them, that’s not a surprise. Just consider the way we react to acts of terror. That’s the way other people react to acts of terror.”

Don't you love it when these righties make fools of themselves? LOL!


What? These are ultra-Leftists? I thought those guys supported Obama? Ayers even wrote books for Obama, and helped launch his political career?

Uh, oh. Not looking good. Not good at all.
Fucking stupid asshole with fucking stupid asshole post title. Fuck you moron.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you mean that comment for me, Noam Chomsky or Bill Ayers, Timmy? They are the ones who call Obama a war criminal and terrorist. I just posted the article.
Oh I meant you. When those others appear here, we'll talk to them.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What do you think of Ayers' and Chomsky's statements, Timmy? We've settled you don't like me much, but how about their comments? Do you agree or disagree with them, and why?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking loser. Whiny.

You make civil discussion impossible in this forum.

they should impeach you like you did to Nixon!

Now go crouch down and lick the nuts of the next vagrant who wandered into your stall in the Salina bus station baffroom. M
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LMAO! Just confirms what I've been saying for years. Liberalism can't exist beside it's own views. They don't make sense.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Ayers is Obama's friend? How many times have they interacted?

20? 30 times?

I think I read that they last spoke in 2003-4 maybe?

Who gives a fuck what either of those guys think or say?

j douche-bag ignores common knowledge that all parties have fringe members that should not be allowed up out of the basement.

Using j douche-bag's "logic", Michelle Bachman is the heart and soul of the tea-baggers or that sarah palin would not resign an elected office before the end of her term.

How ironic to see y'all embrace the minds and thoughts of these ass-clowns for no other reason than because they are critical of Obama.

I bet sog's ass crack goes all the way up to his shoulder blades from trying to sit/ride on the fence all the time.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think you failed Munchie. Try again and use some logic.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-21-2013, 02:18 PM
Proves only that Obama is not the left wing crazy that you've all been claiming him to be.

But some of us already knew that.
Ah, yes. The right wingers have been out in force lately. First, Tea-Party activist Bill Ayers says Obama should be tried for war crimes, and now that famous conservative author Noam Chomsky says Obama is dedicated to terrorism. Here's the article:

Earlier in the week, friend of President Barack Obama and former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers criticized the President for his foreign-policy initiatives, which Ayers deemed to be terroristic. It’s one thing when a left-wing activist with ties to terror in his own background criticizes Obama; but for anyone who was hesitant to agree with Ayers because of his sordid past, celebrated left-leaning polemicist Noam Chomsky has your back.

In a thorough interview with GRITtv host Laura Flanders, the MIT professor and prolific author said that Obama has not just earned the title of “terrorist” — the President has proven time and again that it is “dedicated to increasing terrorism.”

“The Obama Administration is dedicated to increasing terrorism,” he went on. “In fact, it’s doing it all over the world. Obama, first of all, is running the biggest terrorist operation that exists, maybe in history. The drone assassination campaigns, which are just part of it… All of these operations, they are terror operations.”

Chomsky explained that the Administration’s drone policy is strikingly evident as a multiplier of violent extremism.

“People have a reaction, they don’t say, ‘Fine, I don’t care if my cousin was murdered.’ And they become what we call terrorists,” he said. “This is completely understood from the highest level, that as you carry out these operations you’re generating terrorism.”

Later, echoing a belief that anyone familiar with the foreign policy positions of former Representative Ron Paul has heard before, Chomsky surmised: “People hate the country that’s just terrorizing them, that’s not a surprise. Just consider the way we react to acts of terror. That’s the way other people react to acts of terror.”

Don't you love it when these righties make fools of themselves? LOL!


What? These are ultra-Leftists? I thought those guys supported Obama? Ayers even wrote books for Obama, and helped launch his political career?

Uh, oh. Not looking good. Not good at all. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I am amazed you are amazed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"I just posted the article" ... Classic Whiny!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Proves only that Obama is not the left wing crazy that you've all been claiming him to be.

But some of us already knew that. Originally Posted by Doove
Are you supporting Obama's dedication to terrorism, then, Doofie?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your words, ass wipe.

Classic Whiny blather.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Doove has a very low threshold of proof. I have some land you can buy in Florida.