Subscribing to threads for email notices?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
How do I subscribe to a thread so I'll get an email notification when there's been a new comment? Like THIS one, for instance? Dang it, I've lost out on a lot of good discussions 'cause I couldn't relocate the thread! Thanks!
Omahan's Avatar
On the top right of your message click on the Thread Tools drop down menu. You will find the subscribe selection there.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Thank you, thank you, thank you, darlin!
For those who want to subscribe to every thread they post to, and not have to remember to subscribe manually, you automate the process like this:

  • Go to your user CP on the left of your screen.
  • On your user CP( control panel ), click on Edit Options.
  • Scroll down to Messaging and Notification.
  • Under Default Thread Subscription Mode, choose "Instant Email Notification"

  • Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Save Changes"

Now you will be automatically subscribed to every thread you participate in. I know the break down makes it sounds like a lot of steps but it is really only three steps and save. The only advantage of this method is that it is a SET and FORGET process. You will not have to remember to subscribe manually to every single thread.