Encounter: EnJOYable Return

HenrySwanson's Avatar
Date: Late January
Name: Joy
Phone: 214 434-2087
Email Address: theasianstars@yahoo.com
URL / Website: https://theasianstars.net
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Addison area
Activities: See ROS
Hair Length and Color: Mid back and black
Age: 30s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: So, she is definitely not the exact girl in the photos, but a close match. Definitely skinnier, by about 10 lbs. from what she told me. Still very pretty, so much so I looked her in the face every chance I had. Beautiful eyes and sweet demeanor should get the motor revving pretty quickly.
Recommendation: Yes
Stevensegal's Avatar
Good review. Joy is like the energized bunny
Doug4343's Avatar
She’s too thin for me now. And when I saw her in Vegas, she was drunk. Think I’ll hold off on seeing her for a bit, but she is a great time.
Need to post my review, she is good at what she does.