Twitter prostitutes

ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 07-09-2014, 11:45 AM

Congress wants to know more. Of course they do, so do I.

Out of curiosity, any providers here use Twitter? I don't remember ever seeing a Twitter handle posted on a profile.
poppy71's Avatar
Damn first the porn is pulled from vine and now they are taking a look at the providers on twitter - there are a lot of them on twitter and I love reading some of their tweets...damn government, politicians and rules just ruin all the fun.
Long nose's Avatar
I've search before but 🍌really didn't find anything but bots
pyramider's Avatar
Ho-bots? Or would they be twatters?
There are far more important things going on in the world to be worrying about besides whores being on Twitter....Why is America so uptight
Candi Staxx's Avatar

Congress wants to know more. Of course they do, so do I.

Out of curiosity, any providers here use Twitter? I don't remember ever seeing a Twitter handle posted on a profile. Originally Posted by ackvt

A LOT of escorts use Twitter now.
Ive been trying to tell girls for a while,
Twitter and Instagram are NOT good sites for hookers, IJS!

(Excuse me why I post this one in San Antonio..)
boardman's Avatar
There are far more important things going on in the world to be worrying about besides whores being on Twitter....Why is America so uptight Originally Posted by Valerie
Yep, We are way to concerned with trying to protect people from themselves and not nearly concerned enough with protecting ourselves from those who don't give a shit about us. It's fucked up.
BigLouie's Avatar
What is hilarious is that half way through the story there "link for "how to improve your business through social media"
Wakeup's Avatar
These people should know not to get between my wife and her Twitterwhoring...hazardous to your health...
Ha...i know and follow a couple local providers on twitter and ig
Glad we don't review on twitter. I can't imagine the pissed off users looking at 140 characters for ROS! At least we've got a crapload of acronyms... Heh!
I doubt this will get very far as most of the providers I know on twitter are from Australia, where providing is totally legal.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Why so uptight???
Because the majority of Politicians are White Guys
Who are crooks but are hypocritical of others because
They are so religious.. Scum bags
These people should know not to get between my wife and her Twitterwhoring...hazardous to your health... Originally Posted by Wakeup
You know me so well