New York Democrat claims ‘no one’s teaching’ critical race theory during town hall meeting

  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 11:01 AM

A Democratic congressman was challenged over critical race theory during a town hall event Sunday after he claimed public schools in his district were not teaching the curriculum.
© Provided by Washington Examiner “What’s your stance on critical race theory being taught to our kids? I want to know why you think it might be a good idea to teach kids that, black and white, you’re suppressed, and you’re the suppressor?” a questioner asked Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, a New York Democrat, spurring a back-and-forth between the two men.

Maloney seemingly brushed off the question, responding that “a bunch of smart demagogues at Fox News and elsewhere” were responsible for feigned alarmism over the curriculum.
The questioner also referenced Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech and said the teachings in critical race theory were antithetical to his “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” line.
“I think somebody’s trying to get you all mad about this for no reason,” Maloney responded.
“Listen, I’m an intelligent individual,” the man interjected. “I read, and I watch a lot of news.”
“Then you know that no one’s teaching critical race theory in the school right here," Maloney said.
The questioner was unshaken and claimed the congressman was denying the truth.
“That’s nonsense, congressman,” the unidentified man said. “That’s absolute nonsense. Don’t stand there and insult my intelligence and tell me that’s not happening, because it is happening.”
The comment drew a smile from Maloney, to which the man responded: “I’m glad you think it’s funny, because I don’t.”
Maloney repeated his line that frustrations over critical race theory were organized by some actors “for political reasons.”
“I think what’s happening in our country right now is that there’s an effort for political reasons to get you mad about these things,” the lawmaker said.
“Nonsense, sir. Nonsense,” the man replied.
“This stuff is being taught to kids in schools today. … And you’re going to stand there and tell me that it’s not being taught. That’s disingenuous, and don’t insult my intelligence,” he continued.
Maloney echoed his claim that critical race theory was not being taught, adding: “The point is, some of us believe that the country still has work to do on the road to full racial equality and racial justice. I believe that very strongly. You may think we’re good — I don’t.”
“I know we had a black president,” the man answered, pointing to critical race theory’s focus on skin tone as being evidence of white people being privileged and people of color being oppressed. “And I know there are plenty of black lawyers, plenty of black doctors, plenty of black successful people, just as there are many white people who are not as successful. It’s not about dictating by your skin color, it’s the choices you make in life, and I don’t want my kids in school where they’re being taught that ‘you’re white. You’re bad. You’re black. You’re suppressed.’ It’s nonsense.”
“I strongly disagree with you that we’re done with racial justice in America because Dr. King gave a speech and because of black lawyers,” Maloney said.
Maloney told the man that “critical race theory, as I understand it, is a law school academic methodology to look at the development of certain systems and laws and say, ‘Were these influenced by race?’ And a bunch of smart demagogues at Fox News and elsewhere — and this is the truth — picked it up, and they’re trying to make everybody pissed off about it.”

as per usual - if it would be detrimental to the votes - the fascist DPST party Lies about its' actions adn intentions.

Randi Weingarten - calls opponents of teaching crt is schools 'racist" - and it is being taught - and cover ups are occurring - the fascist DPST's took their lessons from teh 2020 election voter fraud Cover Up!
CET is
Racist - and detrimental to a free society where everyone is Equal under teh law - as MLK Jr. fought for.
That is not the vision of the divisive , racist fascist DPST party - which seeks to impose marxist tyranny by inciting racial hatred - and perhaps a racial war - as the kalifornia criminal

Charles Manson tried to do with 'helter-Skelter".

CRT is central to the fascist DPST enmity of freedom and representative democracy
The fascist DPST's Lie, and will continue to do so about their intentions - which is to indoctrinate every under 18 with their marxist , racist ideology.

They Lie!!!!
Their Hypocrisy has no bounds.

I refuse to accept the CRT tenet that I am a Racist simply because i was Born Caucasian - that is DPST CRT racist to the Core of their idiotology.

hannah jones and ibrahim kendi - take your racism elsewhere - Venezuela is a good place for you both.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Maybe the school district simply doesn't have time available to teach more than the required basic fundamentals for high school kids
offshoredrilling's Avatar
In my county in NY. School board meeting have been close n offices called over CRT

Parent asked, School board member now in jail for attaching parents for just asking

and same in more that one school district
rexdutchman's Avatar
most "meetings" have been closed to the public over crt the public school system ?