Does the Law Of Attraction Really Work?

ActionAngie's Avatar
The world of form that we see around us, is not really solid but is basically vibration which we interpret with our senses.

Modern day physics has confirmed that everything that we see around us is energy vibrating at varying levels.

Physics has also confirmed that all forms are made of the same “thing” (which some physicist refer to as Ether).

So inherently all is one, and everything is interconnected. The whole physical reality is like one big totality in movement.

What is the Force that Keeps Physical Reality in Place?
So how is this reality kept in place and who is actually keeping this reality in place?Spiritual teachers call the one being as “consciousness” because its nature is to be aware all the time. Basically all living forms are just physical manifestations, temporary and passing, and the only real being is the one spirit or consciousness.

This is evident if one is willing to look at one’s true experience in the present moment, what is really here beneath all thoughts, emotions and senses? Just “awareness”. There is no person, that’s just another idea floating in the mind, which is seen in the light of consciousness.

This whole reality is kept in place by this one being or “consciousness”, and in essence this whole reality is just “thought”, originated from the single thought in consciousness and continuously expanding from there.

So how does law of attraction really work in the scheme of things? Let’s see.

Everything Physical Originates from Thought
Many spiritual books talk about how first came the “Word” and then it took form.

The word is basically spiritual nomenclature for “thought”.

This whole physical reality originated from the thoughts in consciousness and is kept in place through its focus. The focus of consciousness is natural because it’s always in a natural state of “awareness”, it doesn’t blink so it never stops the focus.

How the physical reality operates in totality cannot be comprehended by the physical mind of a human being, but it can easily become aware of the underlying consciousness which pervades everything and is the light in which the physical reality is playing out.

A human mind can also understand that the basis of all creation is thought, and since it has the capacity to think, it is playing a part in the process of creation along with the “higher mind” or consciousness.

Remember that thought is vibration itself, and hence everything physical is vibration.

How Does Law of Attraction Work with Thought?
It’s really simple to understand how thought and law of attraction are related.

A thought by itself is useless unless it is powered by focus. So a thought is not inherently capable of “Attracting” anything unless it is powered by the engine of focus.

You can see this in your own reality. If you think, or focus, on a negative thought consistently you might sense certain aspects of it manifesting in your reality.

The good news is that you don’t have to continuously focus on a positive thought for it to manifest, simply because the formless consciousness will do the focus for you once you originate the thought. The formless consciousness does not focus on anything negative because it’s not “vibrationally” compatible with the frequency of negative thoughts. The only way a negative thought can manifest is when a “human mind” constantly focuses on it (because the human mind is also an aspect of the formless consciousness and has the same power of creation).

When a physical mind focuses on a thought, or when the formless consciousness focuses on a thought, in both cases, law of attraction is activated and the thought starts attracting onto itself. When the thought becomes solid, we call it the “physical reality”. So the physical mind has the capacity to create a physical reality through its thoughts.

All you have to do to activate law of attraction to create an “abundant” physical reality for you, is to just think about all the beautiful things that you desire, and then just let go and allow the focus of the formless consciousness to manifest the physical reality for you.

The only way you will slow down the process is by opposing the formless consciousness by thinking “conflicting” or negative thoughts. For example, you may desire a big house and the formless consciousness automatically starts focusing on the that thought and law of attraction starts manifesting the reality, but then you start focusing on negative thoughts like “economic recession” and taxes and poverty, so you keep yourself distanced from the manifestation of your desires and in turn, because of “your” focus, end up creating a negative reality.

Law of Attraction Will Work for You if You Just Let Go
So contrary to all the books that you read about “using” law of attraction, you don’t have to “use” it. The formless consciousness will focus on all your desires and activate law of attraction for you. So the same power that creates worlds starts working for you. All you have to do is desire and dream, and then just let go and allow the manifestation to come forth. Everything that you “do” as an effort will only impede the manifestation.

When you let go, “action” might arise as an inspiration in you and this action would be effortless. You will know if an action is coming from the higher mind when you feel that it’s just flowing from you, there is no struggle or strain. The physical reality that you desire will effortlessly manifest in your experience thanks to the focus of the formless consciousness which activate law of attraction in a powerful manner.

So yes, law of attraction really works and is the basis of the universal structure of physical reality. The only thing to remember is that the formless consciousness activates law of attraction through its continuous focus on all of your desires (positive vibrations), so all you need to do is just relax and allow the manifestation to unfold.

Also read how to make law of attraction work for you.
pyramider's Avatar
Doubling down ...
Mods, any chance you can merge this thread in with the other non-sense posted by "The Go To Girl of Maine"? You know, so we can get all of our bat shit crazy rantings and ravings in one's just easier.

Thank you.
Whispers's Avatar
I would say that attraction obviously plays a part in this. We do not see very many of the young hot gals posting in CoEd Forums.... They seem to be too busy making money.....

less "attractive" gals seem to have all this extra time....
Free time is available to everyone, even if you work overtime. It takes no time at all to post on a forum. I'm at work right now, granted my job is a joke, but whatever. I'm getting paid to do nothing.
ActionAngie's Avatar
I know HIV is Not funny but those are mean and harsh and you think it right for not for me to stick up for myself ..What about them they call me every name in the book!!
ActionAngie's Avatar
You would think with all of your multiple personalities, at least one would be likeable!
ActionAngie's Avatar
Build up your self-esteem some other way.
pyramider's Avatar
Who the heck are your posts aimed?
Abraham Hicks is for losers
I wasn't even arguing with you.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
This is interesting!Its not something you see here often!
I have run ins with the law of attraction. Ive heard people phrase it as thoughts become things.
One day, I thought to myself that id like to meet people from a particular foreign country. A few days later, i did. I thought that,was pretty amazing.