Escorts I Can Find, Basic Hooker I Can't Find

I understand and value all the benefits of escorts and taking this hobby seriously enough to make it safe. But I am still wondering, where have all the hookers gone? The kind that will do a BJ for a little **** or $20?
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We live in the age of the internet. Women do this for money and they have to get pretty desperate to become a whore. There is no difference in taking money from a man and fucking him in the luxury hotel and giving a $20 BJ in a car somewhere. The woman does not want to be there and gets paid to tolerate you. The level of tolerance is directly proportional to the fee. Pay $20 and get a 5 minute BJ, she had to tolerate very little for a very short period. Her attitude is ugly, not as groomed, does not spend the time a $300 whore will to get dolled up. Because of the internet women feel safer taking the risk of arrest, meeting a scumbag that wants to do her harm, getting robbed, etc. and the screening process. That means the days of a quick $20 BJ is less likely. I know there are times you are just so fucking horny and you need it, so want to go and get a quick BJ without spending $300. Today we have scheduled sex, as if a moment can be scheduled, lol. It is simply getting off. Women that are more desperate for some cash right now tend to hit the streets, truck stops, local bars. Once that cash need is met they are off to do their thing again until the desperation arises again. Some women prefer streets to internet and reasons are told such as "More control over who they see." She can tell if a guy is high or smell if he is drunk when he rolls down the window, cannot see or tell on line if he will be fucked up when session takes place. If looking for quick and cheap, try your local truck stops and rent by the hour hotels. Otherwise schedule your day to shoot your wad, wait your turn, and be able to spend more money.