How safe is Snapchat?

I’ve always followed the old adage (I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said it) that the internet is forever. Don’t post/text/email anything that could potentially come back to haunt you. But now we have Snapchat - and you can’t screenshot what anyone sends, soooooo, how safe is it really? I think the only way someone could save your image is if they have two devices, right? Use one to record the other....?

How many ladies who don’t feel comfortable sharing face pics are okay with using Snapchat now?

I ask because every now and then I’ll get a potential client asking for a face pic. I’d like to share a face pic because I’ve been blessed with great genes; you can’t tell by my face that I’m as ancient as I am, lol.

So now I have a potential overnight client (in another city) asking for a face pic. And given that it’s an overnight request (and that’s a good bit of cash), I obliged using Snapchat. When I signed up (as ClaireSheBlows, because shockingly that username was available), a fuck ton of my contacts (on my hobby phone) popped up as users.

So, let’s hear the pros and cons, please...
ck1942's Avatar
Not that I use snap, but imho, anything that you can see on the 'net, even if the software won't support capture, can certainly be captured somehow, even if with a second piece of hardware or additional software(s).

Google, in this instance is your resource:

As you have already noted, your snap software recognizes many of your phone's contacts, which, if snap works anything like FB, may have received notices that you are now on board at snap.
It's not safe at all, they've had issues with the 'not stored' snaps being downloadable months after it was sent (by people it was not sent to)
Howler's Avatar
There is no way to have someone see something over the Internet without the possibility of them saving it in some form. Whether that is software that captures the screen data or intercepts the data from the underlying file system, or as simple as someone taking a picture of the screen with a different device. A cell phone picture of a tablet screen showing Shapchat may not be the best quality, but it is certainly good enough to recognize a face, and is 100% undetectable and unpreventable.

If you don't want a face pic to show up on the Internet, don't send one.
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
Snapchat doesn't prevent someone from taking a screenshot. It just informs the sender that the receiver took a screenshot. But there are other ways to get around this as mentioned. Do a little googling and you'll find other methods as well.
Snapchat doesn't prevent someone from taking a screenshot. It just informs the sender that the receiver took a screenshot. But there are other ways to get around this as mentioned. Do a little googling and you'll find other methods as well. Originally Posted by chitowntransplant69
All I could find so far is ways to get around notifying the sender that you took a screenshot
If it can be delivered/transmitted electronically, rest assured that it can be saved/archived for future reference. Don't want it seen or shared? Don't send. Simple as that. Besides, all you (CSB) have to tell the guy is that you have insanely big, beautiful brown eyes that are guaranteed to make him melt and that he'd be a fool not to see you. Or not.
For anyone who has seen this thread and decided to add me as a friend on Snapchat, I sure as fuck ain't gonna post anything now that I've read this thread, LOL.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Whenst a pic comes on tha screen, Ah thinck thet image oughta be somewhar in yer dee-vices temp internet files. Jus' takes knowin' whar ta look ta git it an' save it. Whether it's yew or an app thet does it automaticklee.
Don't trust Snapchat. Lol you can barley trust your own phone. How sad is our technology now?!
For anyone who has seen this thread and decided to add me as a friend on Snapchat, I sure as fuck ain't gonna post anything now that I've read this thread, LOL. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

That's funny