Highest paid sex worker in USA

htownhunter's Avatar

The Irish are truly a wonderful people as anyone who has been to Ireland can tell you. She is on another level.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 05-25-2019, 09:56 AM
Although I thought the highest rate would be higher now.
I read an article years ago of the highest paid escort in NY city. She was making 2k an hour with a 2 hour minimum... in the early 2000’s.

Natalia was her name

I can’t find the exact article but found this:


Chlorine's Avatar
I dont think they are referring to per visit/hour rates I think her yearly total of $1m is why they are giving her that "title". Its only 500 sessions at that rate...
Grace Preston's Avatar
Alice charges thousands per session and works in a brothel. She's also a pretty ruthless little @*%(@$)( behind the scenes. Her sweetheart act doesn't go very far if you get something that she wants (yes, I've met her).

Side note, she isn't the highest paid sex worker in the US-- its argued that she isn't even the highest paid legal sex worker either.... the woman that likely actually holds that title is smart enough to not want to brag to every news outlet that comes calling.
I don’t see why she’s getting paid so much, there’s better looking chicks here in Houston, like Kylie Nicole, Cloey Banks, NM, and others.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Brothel rates in Nevada are a lot higher than out here in Indy land. When I worked in the brothels, 600-1000/hr was pretty typical for me, and I'm older and heavier than many. I've been a part of a party that was a 4 girl, $10,000 party... and the guy had to leave after an hour due to needing to catch a flight. Just dropped 10k... like it was nothing. That's what the brothels in Nevada can be like. $400/hr is about as cheap as it gets, and you have to go to the little rural brothels in Elko to get pricing like that.
Brothel rates in Nevada are a lot higher than out here in Indy land. When I worked in the brothels, 600-1000/hr was pretty typical for me, and I'm older and heavier than many. I've been a part of a party that was a 4 girl, $10,000 party... and the guy had to leave after an hour due to needing to catch a flight. Just dropped 10k... like it was nothing. That's what the brothels in Nevada can be like. $400/hr is about as cheap as it gets, and you have to go to the little rural brothels in Elko to get pricing like that. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I stopped by the Bunny ranch with some friends because we were curious. $2000/hr for the top chick at that shift who was hot but not worth that IMO. We laughed and left.
Aweshucks's Avatar
Man I’d love a half hour with Alice Little!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Alice isn't even a line-up girl anymore. She's by appointment only. Lives in the area and only comes in when she has an appointment. Most of your top girls at Bunny do the same.
I live in Sacramento and travel to Reno and Carson City once a month for work. Occasionally I will stop at the cat houses and the fees they talk about are real. I usually go during peak hours and go to the bar to watch the show.

The hobbie scene is alive and well in Reno at normal rates paid elsewhere.
ICU 812's Avatar
Besides the fact that I have a very low Hobby budget; I just can't see aying a provider an hourly rate at or above what I would have to pay a good lawyer.

Related: I haven't been to a strip club in 15-20 years now . . .are lap dances still $20 here in Houston?
Good lawyers are not cheap