18 yr olds...get u one

If u lucky enough to catch a chick 18 or 19

She gonna always come back to u when u want her to
I've had my fill of them
Chlorine's Avatar
OP, can you please rephrase that...some of us dont speak Walmart
ICU 812's Avatar
I don't think I could deal with the social and cultural quirks of a post-millennial teen ager.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-30-2019, 04:21 PM
I've had my fill of them Originally Posted by tbone2u
They're always a good time, so full of energy and willing to please
They're always a good time, so full of energy and willing to please Originally Posted by BLM69
This part right here maaannn

U know already how they try to show out and do their best

  • A1.
  • 05-30-2019, 05:37 PM
azteclust's Avatar
Always like 18-19 yr olds. So much fun and so young
Aweshucks's Avatar
If only they’d be ready on time, not be strung out on drugs and not text like a pimp. Ahhh, to be young, dumb and broke again. Lol!
Girls that are that young (18,19) I have a hard time relating to not to mention the lack of experience. Rather have one a little bit older and more mature.
Mods, please ban this sistinepro replacement player.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Girls that are that young (18,19) I have a hard time relating to not to mention the lack of experience. Rather have one a little bit older and more mature. Originally Posted by bigstickdave6969

There it is.
^^^ Agreed wholeheartedly.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
They won't even stop looking at their phone to wipe their ass.
ICU 812's Avatar
Well, for me, the fantasy is to be intimate with girls I couldn't dream of dating back in High School, or even in college.

The reality is that these young women are too immature for me now.

Another real issue is caution. If a woman says she is 18 or 19 . . .she might not be, regardless of what her ID says it is your ass with LE if she is not Is it worth the risk?

To put it into perspective; my 50th HS reunion is coming up this summer. Many of the "girls" I would have liked to shag, but couldn't, will be there . . .but they are all as old as I am and well beyond being an object of my desire now. So I am kinda stuck with that inner conflict.