Soooo.....Why does a client become yours....

Ms. Athena's Avatar
So I spent over half a day getting a client screened and a appt tonight at Hooters. Much to my surprise there is a older provide there with client when I show up. Agreed upon to seek other bar.. Which client tryes to buy everyone a drink.......tell others start to leave and owe money. If you need any of the handles just let me know ...I'd hate for others to be stuck with a bill.....So I won't trust a provider adding herself to my date anymore....
What exactly....Happened again?
I think I got the gist of what she is saying but not really sure
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I think she is saying the other folks they ran into stuck her client with the tab for the drinks
Then you are much smarter than me

The more I read it the less I understand it
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Then you are much smarter than me

The more I read it the less I understand it Originally Posted by tbone2u
I'm not really sure, lol. That's my best guess.
Ms. Athena's Avatar After the bar and on my phone. No the client was buying everyone's drinks at the bar. Then he cut and ran with the other provider. Leaving me and others stuck with the check. So not only did I miss out on the session but also shelled out on the bill.
��..How sent.
CurvyKatie's Avatar After the bar and on my phone. No the client was buying everyone's drinks at the bar. Then he cut and ran with the other provider. Leaving me and others stuck with the check. So not only did I miss out on the session but also shelled out on the bill. Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
That freaking sucks!
I think I would name him. That's pretty shitty
Oh wow! Yes that is pretty shitty!
PeterPipeHer's Avatar
Wow that fucking sucks
boardman's Avatar
Light the douche bag up!
kerwil62's Avatar
That's fucked up!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-30-2019, 04:27 PM
These guys are running game on you women, last week was the fake pool party, this week it's paying the bill for the whole bar and no session, next week will be a free pussy delivery week.