Ladies & Pets

I want to know how gents feel about ladies having our furry friends at our "meeting" spots.

I have a new fur baby and I often wonder & want to make sure it does not make a gent uncomfortable.

Any good stories that us ladies could learn from?
They don't bother me at all as long as they stay in another room during my visit
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
just make sire to aak or advise the gentleman so if he has pet allergies he knows to bring some claritin. Also have a indoor kennel. Most dont like to get fur from a rambunctious furrever friend all over their bisness attire. Plus small breeds are possesive which could turn out disapproving if left to freely roam.
But hey congrats on the lil one and may you have many funfilled decades tofether
I will 2nd Tbone comments, as long as they are in a pen or in another room I am good.

There have been two incidents over the years with pets. One was with a cat. We were in the middle of a session and my feet were on the floor when her cat came into the room and started rubbing against my leg.

2nd incident was tiny dog lying in a blanket in the room. Dog started to cry as he needed to go to the bathroom, she jumped up mid session and let him out.

I understand the want and needs to have pets around, but please the pets should not interfere with our time together.
Congratulations on your new pet. I am with the above gentlemen in stating that as long as the dog or cat is in another room I have no issues. I actually love dogs and don’t mind playing with the pet for a minute or so upon arrival, if friendly, but once the session starts I prefer the pet is put up in another room.
Thoughts? ...stories? Originally Posted by TexasJess
I love animals. No problem for me.

Be sure that shedding is under control. No hair or fur to stick on clothing. Maybe keeping up lint roller handy?

Smell must be controlled.

Be watchful for trip hazards such as toys Etc.

Ensure the animal is crate trained so that it doesn't make a distracting noises well in the Boom Boom Room.

Always check with your guest when making plans to ensure there are no allergies, or specific dislikes that could lead to an unfavorable time.

Enjoy your new pup.
I love animals. No problem for me.

Be sure that shedding is under control. No hair or fur to stick on clothing. Maybe keeping up lint roller handy?

Smell must be controlled.

Be watchful for trip hazards such as toys Etc.

Ensure the animal is crate trained so that it doesn't make a distracting noises well in the Boom Boom Room.

Always check with your guest when making plans to ensure there are no allergies, or specific dislikes that could lead to an unfavorable time.

Enjoy your new pup. Originally Posted by Eidolon
Haha yes. This little thing I have he is a terrorist but a good boy. He has a kennel & he also is loveable. I do tell ppl I have a pet at my private location. Thanks for all the positive feed back !!
just make sire to aak or advise the gentleman so if he has pet allergies he knows to bring some claritin. Also have a indoor kennel. Most dont like to get fur from a rambunctious furrever friend all over their bisness attire. Plus small breeds are possesive which could turn out disapproving if left to freely roam.
But hey congrats on the lil one and may you have many funfilled decades tofether Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo
Girl yes !! This is a chiweenie LOL... and he loves his momma.
Okay, he is spoiled rotten so I randomly crate him because ion want him to feel like its punishment if I have to crate him when someone is here.

Your response was great! Thank you for the feedback !!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
No stranger feeling than being midstroke K9 & feel something tickle you. Only to look back & see a cat Rocky style speedbagging your balls.
ViViaN+redhead's Avatar
Just make sure your client has no allergies to pets beforehand and, of course keep them kennelled during the visit. I always introduce them, if the client seems interested in dogs I will let her out only right before they leave, as my dog likes to jump and has a bigger problem licking things than I do 😝😝😝 and it course, make sure your pet does not use the restroom inside your place as no one likes to go into a place that smells of dog or cat urine. If so, opt for a hotel room. I seem to have no problems with my clients. If they have allergies then we meet elsewhere and I make sure I'm not covered in dog hair and I keep my contact down with my pet before I leave.
ViViaN+redhead's Avatar
Sorry for the typos I'm horrible at proof-reading.
ViViaN+redhead's Avatar
You should not put your dog in the kennel as punishment, this way they are inclined to want to go in it, if you use it as punishment they are more likely to feel punished if you just need them to go inside there for a bit because you have company. Dogs have attitudes and will act out like children in various ways. Peeing under your bed or eating your favorite shoes etc. Think of the kennel more like their bedroom. Mine goes in hers on her own just to hang out sometimes. I keep the door open and only lock it when I need to. She's free to go in and out mostly.
I used to have a dog ** Edited By Staff ** DM my SO. I did not really care for it but my SO liked it so what the hell.
notanewbie's Avatar
was peanut butter involved?
Doesn’t bother me at all, as long as they aren’t actively participating in the session!