A Typically Befuddled Republican

Zollner's Avatar
Gotyour6's Avatar
Takes a joke written during the carter administration for a democrat and applies it to a former President that had the economy under control, lowest unemployment in 50 years, and cheap gas prices.

Takes a joke written during the carter administration for a democrat and applies it to a former President that had the economy under control, lowest unemployment in 50 years, and cheap gas prices.

Bravo Originally Posted by Gotyour6
And encouraged a clueless flock of sheep to attack the Capital Building. Greatest embarrassment in American history. Don the Con.
Takes a joke written during the carter administration for a democrat and applies it to a former President that had the economy under control, lowest unemployment in 50 years, and cheap gas prices.

Bravo Originally Posted by Gotyour6
What's funnier is knowing he believes the shit he spews....
And some have alzhimers just like the president they voted for and wrecking the USA
lilylivered's Avatar
Oh everything is great, inflation hasnt risen and gas prices have stabilized, unemployment is fantastic.
All said and the poor stuttering, drooling idiot probably believes it all because he is so detached from really and his handlers tell him what to say and think....
Fuck Joe Biden
rooster's Avatar
And some have alzhimers just like the president they voted for and wrecking the USA Originally Posted by BOSSVPLOW
This just in....one of the symptoms of "Alzheimer's" is not knowing how to spell it....and not using any punctuation...

This just in....one of the symptoms of "Alzheimer's" is not knowing how to spell it....and not using any punctuation...

. Originally Posted by rooster
Great one Roo!

But posting during happy hour may also be a source of spelling errors.

When will ECCIE protect its members from spelling sins by incorporating a spell check into its system?
Gotyour6's Avatar
This just in....one of the symptoms of "Alzheimer's" is not knowing how to spell it....and not using any punctuation...

. Originally Posted by rooster
Luckily he isnt the babbling, falling up stairs idiot we have now.
Zollner's Avatar
I do find it interesting that so many people have zero idea about how gas prices work and that the President of the United states (doesn't matter which party they are from) has almost no control over them.

Oil is a World Resource whose price is determined by World markets and the oil companies that refine it into Gasoline.

The US just can't magically snap its fingers and lower the prices. It can release oil from the reserves to drop prices around .10 to .15 per gallon, for a very short time. It can also issue more drilling permits on public land - but that's a long term fix because it takes time for the oil companies, who actually WANT to drill (there's not as many as you think), to setup, discover, drill, extract, ship, etc... It's a long process that won't affect near term gas prices at all.

Oh, and just so you're aware, the fact is that the US Government - under Biden - has issued more drilling permits on public land than Trump did. I'm not going to do your homework for you - go look it up.

Now I'm neither a Trump or Biden supporter - I think they are both lackluster Presidents that are BOTH puppets to their masters. That there's so many delusional people, thinking either of them were/are GOOD President's, is far more scary than any book/movie that I've ever read/seen.
It amazes me how many people don’t know how the oil market works. The market works just like Biden’s mouth and bowels. although shit pours out of both ends, he has no fucking control over them! So ya have a point. More on this later……. Right now I have to go take a shit while I still have control, I’ll read the uniparty response when I get done with paper work. Thanks fer playin’!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Originally Posted by Zollner
Then you have Make America great again.

Because after the libs get done milking the shit out of the people, America is a depressed shit hole.

Unemployment isnt up for no reason and the jobs are up because people have to have two of them to eat.

There is one time where jobs are up and so is unemployment lol.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Then you have Make America great again.

Because after the libs get done milking the shit out of the people, America is a depressed shit hole.

Unemployment isnt up for no reason and the jobs are up because people have to have two of them to eat.

There is one time where jobs are up and so is unemployment lol. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Zolly only knows what leftist memes tell him to know. it would take you a lifetime to help him unlearn what he thinks he knows.