Trader Trump or Just Senile

Presj22's Avatar
Trump went to Scotland and declared that it was “great to be home”. What is he doing, saying he’s not American now? Throwing it away to be Scottish? What a trader! I don’t know about you, but I’m proud to be an American. What garbage. Or maybe he’s just too senile to remember where he was born and where he’s from. Either way, he’s not fit to be an American President!
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 05-01-2023, 10:24 AM
Maybe he's planning to pose in a kilt and bagpipes for his next trading card.
From your article:

The 45th US president has Scottish ancestry on his mother's side and owns several properties in the country.

He left the plane and walked to a waiting car, greeting waiting media, but did not stop to take questions.

Before getting into one of the cars, Trump said: "It's great to be home, this was the home of my mother."

Politicians politicking. But go ahead and try and blow it up.

I agree with the unfit president part. Hopefully someone will show up to save us from the lunatics currently running the country into the ground.

Are ya sure ya meant "trader"???
Freaking hysterical.....

Are ya sure ya meant "trader"???
Freaking hysterical..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
This comment from one who has a misspelled poasting fetish?
Presj22's Avatar
From your article:

The 45th US president has Scottish ancestry on his mother's side and owns several properties in the country.

He left the plane and walked to a waiting car, greeting waiting media, but did not stop to take questions.

Before getting into one of the cars, Trump said: "It's great to be home, this was the home of my mother."

Politicians politicking. But go ahead and try and blow it up.

I agree with the unfit president part. Hopefully someone will show up to save us from the lunatics currently running the country into the ground. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Sooo what you’re trying to say is basically shame on you for making a joke on Trump and giving him a funny nickname, Trader Trump, just because he called Scotland his home?

Imagine if a current President had a couple gaffes and people on this same forum gave that President a nickname involving the word dementia.

Noooo, that wouldn’t happen…not here.

rooster's Avatar
One of the first signs of senility might be....fergettin how to spell...

Why does this thread imply that we have to choose? Trump is both. He's very senile and he's the most corrupt trader in the history of the US!