And while others are having pointless arguments in another thread...

tatasddd's Avatar
This is what tatasddd is enjoying while eating dinner and watching the circus that unfolds in the thread
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
You do know he is gay right????????????????????
tatasddd's Avatar
You do know he is gay right???????????????????? Originally Posted by OMGitsHuge
What does him being gay have to do with me enjoying his being high on stage and singing like a God and seeing him in high spirits? He also has so much money that he gives no shit about your or my opinion of him. Your comment is pointless.
  • BSer
  • 06-05-2014, 06:19 PM
OMG, that's very homophobic of you. I happen to like Elton John as well. I sing tiny dancer every time it comes on the radio.
tatasddd's Avatar
OMG, that's very homophobic of you. I happen to like Elton John as well. I sing tiny dancer every time it comes on the radio. Originally Posted by BSer
BSer, buddy this is for you :-)
  • BSer
  • 06-05-2014, 06:37 PM
Tatas please post Harry Nilsson "best friend" that one is for you buddy !
tatasddd's Avatar
Tatas please post Harry Nilsson "best friend" that one is for you buddy ! Originally Posted by BSer
I found this instead BSer it is close enough :-)
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
OMG, that's very homophobic of you. I happen to like Elton John as well. I sing tiny dancer every time it comes on the radio. Originally Posted by BSer
Not at all........ actually I'm glad to see Tittas starting to come out. I'm sure he will enjoy this one too.
tatasddd's Avatar
OMGitshuge, it simply doesn't do you any credit to associate something so pure as music that comes from these performers hearts with homosexualism. You need to have a check up from the neck up buddy and for a gazillionth time I am reminding you I am not gay.
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
I found this instead BSer it is close enough :-) Originally Posted by tatasddd
BTW..... you did know Freddie Mercury was gay too right????????
tatasddd's Avatar
BTW..... you did know Freddie Mercury was gay too right???????? Originally Posted by OMGitsHuge
You are misinformed my friend. In reality Farrouk Bulsara aka Freddie Mercury was bi-sexual. He also is of Persian/Iranian decent. Born in Zanzibar. An island country south-east of Africa. And unlike you, these singers have left/will leave behind them a lot to this world for decades to come. Theirs was also huger than yours...I mean wallets :-)
AmishGangster's Avatar
Tatas please post Harry Nilsson "best friend" that one is for you buddy ! Originally Posted by BSer
Wouldn't some Whodini "Friends" be more appropriate?
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
You are misinformed my friend. In reality Farrouk Bulsara aka Freddie Mercury was bi-sexual. He also is of Persian/Iranian decent. Born in Zanzibar. An island country south-east of Africa. And unlike you, these singers have left/will leave behind them a lot to this world for decades to come. Theirs was also huger than yours...I mean wallets :-) Originally Posted by tatasddd
Thanks for the correction Tittas.... I should have guessed you would have more knowledge of Freddie Mercury and the LGBT community since he was one of your own.
tatasddd's Avatar
Thanks for the correction Tittas.... I should have guessed you would have more knowledge of Freddie Mercury and the LGBT community since he was one of your own. Originally Posted by OMGitsHuge
No it simply is common sense and general knowledge. I bet my old boots you have no idea what the capitol of South Dakota for example is. No need to look it up on google buddy. I know you didn't know it :-) Cheers !!!
  • BSer
  • 06-05-2014, 07:17 PM
There is nothing wrong with being gay or bisexual