Sexymaid69's 2 rides and boat.

tatasddd's Avatar
Today in another hot thread sexymaid69 mentioned that she STILL is a bitch, at that a well paid bitch who has two rides/understand cars and a boat.

What she forgot to tell us though was that the cars are $1500 third hand pre-owned vehicles from the local area car dealer swindler in which nasty fat guys farted and rubbed their feet on the seats and the boat is an inflatable Walmart $85 one with a chip board paddle.
At least she doesn't need change for the bus....
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
Wrong again busboy.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Why do some idiots hate to see providers do well?
Why do some idiots hate to see providers do well? Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Oh, God. Don't bait him. I'm trying to go to bed.
tatasddd's Avatar
At least she doesn't need change for the bus.... Originally Posted by ashley69sexy30
Sweety what century do you live in? What change are you talking about? I am using a connect card $150 a month zone 2 pass. I make money even when I sleep through my video on demand shows at $6 per minute. I don't need change for the bus honey. Thanks for expressing a concern though. You probably went to college, got a car, took loans out and credit cards hence you are in your reality. You s...k d...k to be able to repay all the shit you couldn't afford. I owe money to nobody and proudly support my parents. That is the little difference between me and you. People do not drive for a number of reasons. When you don't know the reason why I do not it makes you look stupid to talk about it to say the least.
No I suck because its fun, I do not do it to support me, I do have a real career....I am a straight shooter and owe no one anything in this world. And yes I do actually straight up own two vehicles, both bought and paid for. Do not assume you know me or know anything about me because you do not....Parents must be proud to have a son who does gay porn to support them...
tatasddd's Avatar
Why do some idiots hate to see providers do well? Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Are you asking yourself that question? Perhaps maybe because she is sexier than you are. I don't know if she is though. I've never met her nor is she on my to-do list.
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
Why do some idiots hate to see providers do well? Originally Posted by Lexxxy
I know Lexxxy....... just because Titsatas is a gay male internet porn provider everyone is on his shit. It just isn't right. We should all give men of public usage the respect they so deserve and the respect they show others. Just saying.
tatasddd's Avatar
I know Lexxy....... just because Titsatas is a gay male internet porn provider everyone is on his shit. It just isn't right. We should all give men of public usage the respect they so deserve and the respect they show others. Just saying. Originally Posted by OMGitsHuge
You ought to learn to make the difference between " Public Usage" and " Public Cyber Viewing" Two totally different things. I absolutely NEVER am in contact with nasty, fat , balding married uncles cheaters named Bob.
A whore is a whore lol.....
tatasddd's Avatar
A whore is a whore lol..... Originally Posted by ashley69sexy30
I am glad you finally confessed. Now show your mother your showcase for you are one.
I am glad you finally confessed. Now show your mother your showcase for you are one. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Oh you got me really confused with someone else, I am not ashamed of any of this... I do not pretend to be something I am not.
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
You ought to learn to make the difference between " Public Usage" and " Public Cyber Viewing" Two totally different things. I absolutely NEVER am in contact with nasty, fat , married cheaters. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Tits you're a whore there is no difference..... You have sex with pathetic gay men for money on the internet. That makes you an internet whore and a rip off at $6 a minute. Your customers must be pathetic closeted homosexuals like yourself who don't have the balls to come out of the closest. Your defense that it is only over the internet just doesn't hold water. Ask any married man if his wife would approve of him having cyber sex. Then ask him if she would approve of him having gay cyber sex. IMHO you have some major issues dude. I know I could never jack off for some guy over the internet nor could I do or say anything to make some dude on the internet shoot his load. I really believe you need to truthfully examine your sexual orientation. I bet you will be much happier when you admit to yourself you are gay or bi or whatever. One thing is for sure is you are not straight. Straight men just can not do gay porn like you do, not for any money. I could really give a rats ass that you you are gay or bi or whatever. It is your anger that I find disagreeable. So do us a favor and come out of the closet and be one of those happy LGBT's that everyone thinks are so cool to be around because staying in the closet is making you one of those miserable fucks nobody likes.
Don't sell TitsFuck short. Being bi is his most redeeming feature. We don't like him because his signature jokes are so bad.