haplee birthday ya ...big ol slut!

Plastic Man's Avatar
blessed funnels and cucked jimmies ...let plastic man wish us all birthday greetings fer the great ...fair ...honest and ...peaceful nation we call ...merica

...and special ...thanks ta all who ...peeled taters ...in her service

...plastic man is very ...proud of this pic from the recent ...plastic family reunion ...and wants to share the beauty and ...grace ...ta be found in our shared homeland

She has......yer ....eyes PM
Isn't outing against the rules here?

Bra size?
elghund's Avatar

...plastic man is very ...proud of this pic from the recent ...plastic family reunion ...and wants to share the beauty and ...grace ...ta be found in our shared homeland

Originally Posted by Plastic Man

I didn't know you were related to Lexxxy and Rodeo.......

I didn't know you were related to Lexxxy and Rodeo.......

elg...... Originally Posted by elghund
Which is the one on the right?
fuckin elg......