Cheating just got harder in Pennsylvania!

bambino's Avatar
And it’s a Liberal court



Undated and Misdated Mail-in Ballots Won’t Be Counted, Per Pennsylvania Supreme Court

• In a 4-3 order issued today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court vacated a Commonwealth Court decision that would have required counties to count mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect handwritten dates on their outer return envelopes.


Is that why Trump posted #?
GREAT NEWS! ... For Truth, Justice and the American Way! ...

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
The power in our country CANNOT be returned to We the People until he have HONEST elections.

Until that day comes, the power in our country belongs to the cheaters.

End RIGGED Elections!!!

Lin ��❤️����

How would the handwritten or mislabeled dates enabled cheating? Lost on that one, but I am not very bright.
How would the handwritten or mislabeled dates enabled cheating? Lost on that one, but I am not very bright. Originally Posted by zippyboy
They wouldn't. It's all a maga fever dream for people who still think trump won in 2020. Lol.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If the rules say don't count things that are not submitted correctly, why does anyone think they should be counted?
It is that straightforward.
bambino's Avatar
September 13, 2024

WASHINGTON - President Trump and the RNC's Election Integrity team has secured a major victory with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejecting a challenge to the dated ballot requirement, a critical mail ballot safeguard.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chair Lara Trump stated: "This is a huge win to protect the vote in Pennsylvania that will secure commonsense mail ballot safeguards and help voters cast their ballots with confidence. The Keystone State will be absolutely critical in this election, and the Supreme Court has decided a major victory for election integrity."


Pennsylvania law requires voters to sign and date mail ballots, an important election integrity safeguard.
Left-wing activists have filed multiple lawsuits to strike down the date requirement. Yet again, a court has rejected their claim.
Today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court threw out the plaintiffs’ case and handed the RNC - and Pennsylvania voters - a major win for election integrity.
How would the handwritten or mislabeled dates enabled cheating? Lost on that one, but I am not very bright. Originally Posted by zippyboy
... Because without the proper signature and date
- you could just bring in boxes and boxes and boxes
of extra ballots - with no idea of who's ballot it is,
and from which date.

... See? ... Makes it harder to check if there's
a voting discrepancy later.

Not to mention that a signature and date is REQUIRED
under state law.

#### Salty